
and I pee in the shower.

I don’t wash my legs or my feet and I pee in the shower. IDGAF!

Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the only two Democrats with the right to call themselves Progressives. The only two Democrats who have the FDR-LBJ toughness. We need to clone them both.

And then backed over, just to make sure.

This goddamn ass munching Bucky Beaver looking motherfucker deserves to be hit by a fucking bus.

My wife, an expert in the field, would tell you that GLAAD has one of the top survey instruments out there. If anyone knows what they’re doing when writing a survey question to avoid contamination, it’s them.

Gay person here and not at all surprised, based on how I’ve been treated at work. And my job is performed in (very liberal) cities; it has to be worse in “bumfuck” America. Where I’m from, there’s no fucking way you could be out at work. That’s scary territory.

Right? I came here to say the same thing. This is the same 30% who still strongly support Trump, are for the Wall, don’t want to pursue the Russia scandal, want to ban abortion, want to keep Muslims out, want to destroy the EPA and hate puppies. Fuck ‘em. They’re the deplorables that Hillary was talking about.

After this last election, I find myself being uncomfortable with about a third of the people in the United States. There’s probably a correlation with the third mentioned here and the third I’m referring to.

Honestly sometimes I think the only reason certain people haven’t fled the country yet is because it’ll be harder for Putin to assassinate them if they stay in the US than if they run somewhere without an extradition treaty.

No, but...”a similar technique could one day be used on humans.” would seem Scarlett Johansson is becoming more comfortable expressing an opinion on DC politics...

In Japan?

“I would never want to feel like I was playing a character that was offensive.”

As an Asian American woman, I’m glad I’m being represented in politics.

Yes. But since it is a Dvorsky article...maybe not.

Here’s the big breaking news!

i want to see a black actress cast for batgirl. then get katana and black canary in for bop.

Except that we’re not customers. We’re shareholders.