
SMG was like that from what I read, she did her work and went home - apparently avoided fan meetups too for the most part.

And the dogs are even more dangerous.

But now America’s going to be flooded with terrorist refugees like these terrifying displaced Syrians:


*im drunk rn

Well comey can eat shit and die.

I think some of them were close (hell, two of them are married), some were not.

That would be his daughters’ jobs. Can’t escape the Newbie Angst, man!

How to break US law in three easy steps....

Side note: it really annoyed me when people referred to the Clintons as a “dynasty” during the election. Two politically ambitious people being married does not a dynasty make. They aren’t the fucking Kennedys.

First they came for the CO2 but I was mostly carbon, so I said nothing.....

It’s totally wrong to make fun of those with senile dementia - in other words, the GOP and supporters. Dinosaurs. Lie down and become fuel.

wow I can’t believe my coworkers didn’t tell me we have a vineyard


Just a friendly reminder that we had 33 hearings into Benghazi and millions of dollars spent over several years which turned up nothing. Now they’re circling the wagons to protect foreign intervention into our election (which all intelligence agencies agree happened). Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I think Manafort flipped. Could be both.

Honestly I don’t think the WH are even briefing Spicey anymore. He’s just flapping in the wind as much as we are.

Or! Or...

If stupid dogs would just do what they were told...