
Yup, not the boss, customers. Good thing Trump has created a clear distinction between himself and his business interests, otherwise I would be worried he was trying to profit from the office with one of his top advisors using that language.

Bribe Squad.

Yup. She’s had all of us behind her every step of the way supporting and empathizing. There’s a line where she crosses from victim into enabler and that’s when she even began to countenance the thought of returning to the pervert who sent a picture of his dick with her son in it.

Let alone the people he apparently points guns at off set.

Tammi Terrell would like to see you now.

Are you serious? Did Weiner sexting a 15 year old girl while his baby son slept in bed right beside him slip your mind? The whole world and their sister knows there’s nothing normal or healthy appearing about this particular family.

Ted Cruz and a slim jim....lmao

Comey was wrong to do what he did. But he wouldn’t have the excuse to do it if Weiner hadn’t been a creep and sexted an underage girl. Weiner gave him the opportunity to do it.

I just can’t get over the fact that she looks like a god damn princess and he looks like the unholy progeny between Ted Cruz , a turtle and a Slim Jim. I know looks aren’t everything but fuck. It’s not like he has a sterling personality to compensate. I wanted to be like Huma girl you can do better but now I’m like

It’s kind of funny to see the twitter battle today, where the Times accused Clinton of under-playing the Trump-Russia connections during the campaign, and people replying that whenever she brought it up, the Times mocked her for doing it. Even Nate Silver joined the thread, linking to stories that validated his

Soylent Weiner

She’s only Huma, of flesh and blood she’s made. Huma, born to make mistakes.

Is that a dress on Lauren though? It looks a lot like a stylized white jumpsuit with an amazeballs cape.

For some weird reason every time I hear name Tony Robbins, this comes to mind

I often hate-read the Daily Mail because they always have the most photos for their “articles.” But the comments section makes me want to kill myself.

I saw this on People’s website (don’t judge me) and sure enough, after like the first 5 comments there was one lady saying “this is not a marriage, they can’t consummate it because marriage is between a man and a woman”.

Huh. I didn’t know that about the song. Granted, every time it played on the radio I would turn it off.

We’ve reached a sad point in our national discourse when we’re patting Alex Jones on the head for admitting Hillary Clinton wasn’t part of a child sex-trafficking ring hosted in the basement of a D.C. pizza parlor.

white supremacy.