bitterbetty666 Black Brits have varying accents, just like everybody else there.

It sucks because roles are limited in both of our countries. So British actors come here, and I don’t blame them, but they are often picked over Black Americans because of the comfort that white Americans have with them when they open their mouths and a British accent comes out. They are perceived as a more acceptable

To irrelevancy, and beyond!

Hello lovely people of Jez. In the spirit of keeping you guys posted, I underwent a breast tomosynthesis and ultrasound this week and the doctor said “I don’t see anything I worry about here”. One of the areas of interest is a cyst and the other is a clump of breast tissue. I was advised to schedule a genetic risk

I hate to admit it, but it was way before that when the Stones were just getting started here.

And he’s always pushed on a good writer who isn’t high-profile enough for Marvel. Both Kieron Gillen and Al Ewing had suffer with this guy’s art (Gillen on two series, even), and now Greg Pak has to make do with him. Meanwhile Bendis just gets Alex Maleev for a six issue Iron Man book because he asks for him, and Nick

i know this isn’t the right forum for this comment but - justin long’s isn’t bad either

Marvel need to learn to tell Bendis he cant just have what he wants, just because he wants it.

So much for the All New Wolverine taking his legacy

So is Old Man Logan on like half of the series plus his own? I swear he was on every other cover.

It’s a sad representation of the way X-Men comics have gone if I don’t know if the redhead in the picture is Jean Grey, the time-travel version of Jean, or Hope Summers, of which a lot was made out of and now is AWOL entirely.

Or the huge attention whore in the family who has a record of being overly concerned about a romance between Twilight actors is...

The idea that he would do anything for Tiffany is suspicious and unbelievable. We have to assume Ivanka is the One Direction fan here.

This was funny, but when I saw the title on Twitter it really god my hopes up that he had been fired.

Haunted kale.

I’ll take “Things I Didn’t Know I Wanted Until Just Now” for $500, Alex.

Ha, nice joke. I mean, you have to be joking, right? Considering the vast majority of superheroes at Marvel are still white, that has to be a jokey joke from a jokey jokester. Right?

I can’t even look at that without wanting to kick things.