
It was the FSB, in the White House, with the microwave.

I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I’m 100% on her side and 100% opposed to the alt-right. On the other hand, her special was not good. I’m a fan of her show, and I liked her movie a lot, and I liked her previous special, but this one sucked, frankly.

I don’t think celebrities are necessarily obligated to voice political concerns, but when TS uses feminism as marketing, I think she somewhat opens herself up to this kind of criticism.

Nope. Last story was at 1:55 pm eastern time. About the budget.

Aubrey really is great in this. Her turn as the head therapist last night was creepy as hell.

Outside of dc or philly, unless your a cop. Then Nebraska.

Oh for sure. Hell, I’d vote for Dr Oz himself instead of Trump.

Private email would help so much for...connections...with people...for stuff.

Goddamn, I want some acid so bad.

Oprah’s got a pretty terrible track record of people she’s foisted on the unsuspecting public: Chopra, Oz, Dr. Phil, among other bad choices — she gave Jenny McCarthy a platform. I’m not sure I trust her to pick good advisers that she’d listen to.

I wouldn’t take advice from you but I’d definitely take some acid.


Finally, a president we don’t have to wiretap because no way would Oprah ever commit treason.

Now playing

The bar is set so low that literally any celebrity who has talked about being president one day would be an improvement. I remember Pitbull said he wanted to be president and now I’m like “I don’t hate that idea.” For one, he’d have a better immigration policy and he’s certainly pro-globalization, if this song is any

Yep, totally. I only mildly disagree with one thing you’re saying.

My dude. Trump released those returns. This is less than nothing.

She got had. She totally got had. I love her but she knew that Trump leaks shit about himself all the time; she’s done stories on it! I don’t know how she didn’t realize that he leaked these returns from the one year he made any money or paid any taxes and released this knowing the press would go crazy and blow it out

She led people to believe she had a bombshell. Then she pulled some American Idol bullshit, waiting til after the first commercial break. That is not journalism.

That’s very interesting. Come over here and tell me more.

I’m currently reading Jacob Middleton’s Spirits of an Industrial Age: Ghost Impersonation, Spring Heeled Jack and Victorian Society. It’s a long academic work and I wouldn’t recommend it as casual reading, but it makes a compelling case for the history of what folklorists call ostension. That refers to the