
Oh my god shut your stupid whore right now!!!!! Right god damn now!!!! I have never been so oftended by an Internet comment in my life.

Alternate timeline??? What the fuck I am never going to see this movie.

I stopped reading after “dude”

I fully expected republicans to become spineless nazis, but it’s the democrats being spineless that worries me. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have done next to nothing and are partially responsible for why we’re here in the first place. We have the ACLU and our own organizing to thank for any victories we’ve won in

Glad you’re here to stand up and be a voice for the countless voiceless, scared white people. Your bravery is completely necessary but those aren’t the people being detained at the airport right now or threatened with deportation, but thank you, I almost forgot about the white people. How could I!?!?!?!?

I definitely did not want this to be the suicide pact thread. The only real way I’m going out is if I can take mine Feur with me.

Hahahaha you think I’m white! I’ve yet to meet a white person who actively feels this threatened with any legitimacy. No, I’m among those who would be ‘cleansed’ should your shitty republican uncle have his way.

......or this is the end of days and you can plan on spending your golden years foraging in an irradiated overgrowth narrowly escaping the constant threat packs of wild dogs pose.

Assainate the president and his cabinet and punch your shitty republican uncle in the mouth repeatedly.

Um, also drugs and alcohol. You forgot drugs and alcohol.

Trump is about to unilaterally lift all sanctions on Russia and is meeting with Putin as soon as Saturday. After the arrest of two FSB agents Trump’s status as a compromised liability is all but confirmed.

It would be nice if someone murdered him and his whole cabinet.

Let’s hope it stays in trend until there are no nazis left to punch.

Get ready for Trump to introduce death squads officially.

He also just tweeted he’s “going to send the Feds in to Chicago to stop the carnage” I.e. He’s gonna send people in to indiscriminately kill black people.

South Philly, jersey and Delco accents are all the same. North philly is similar but much more intense.

At some point in your life you’ll probably be violently accosted for being nazi/nazi sympathizer and I can’t imagine you not deserving each ironic thwack to the nose.

Really though? She’s the female Daniel Tosh.

NO, they tried to poison them with styrofoam. They’re patriots.

Yeah, nope.