
And the 82 months of consistent job growth is also the longest in American history.

I don’t know who this woman is but I hate her.

I’m just gonna go ahead a kill myself already.

What news isn’t lately?

It’s really disgusting how quickly people like you will shit on everything this country was built on to fall in line with a fascist.

Seriously I’m so sick of people ignoring and suppressing discussion of all the horrid unending controversies because talking about the room being on fire is somehow divisive.

Oh shit these kids are gonna look like Hitler youth.

The fact that he’s doing the same thing now as he was before he won the election is kind of suspicious. Maybe the behavior hasn’t changed because he always had a feeling he was going to win whether he wanted the job or not. Hmmmmmmm comrade hmmmmm 🤔

Oh he meant it. That line of thinking is super popular with the black upper middle class. Enduring, forgiving and rationalizing abuse is all par the course on the road to mainstream black success and it’s a habit almost impossible not internalize. As a black person, sometimes you are so surrounded by racism that you

The only kind of trickle down that works unfortunately excusing Brita filters and me pissing my pants in fear.

Righ? it’s bullshit like this that makes me wish he were less attractive. God damn him.

It was the one part of Obama’s farewell speech that I full body cringed at. Asking me to empathize for the disenfranchised white man and validate their identity as a victim in all of this.

ahahahhahahahahaha I remember that episode so well for some reason!! I’m screaming!!!!!!!

I’m glad at least one other human remembers California Dreams. I sing the theme song daily and let out a lonely, lonely chuckle.

I’m okay with Kellyanne Conway aging at warpspeeds.

I literally just saw a preview for this on tv screamed and then immediately ran to the internet to see if anyone else was as deeply annoyed by this.

Gurl, y’all better buckle up for the department of child labor mawma!!!

Is it gonna make sad? That’s all I really care about. l am not here for any more of your gritty realness or dark reimaginings.

Seriously it’s like drag makeup it’s good if you have a light beard otherwise...

“...between twenty five and forty seven”