But that shouldn’t be based on the original crime. That should be based on your time in prison, your remorse, what we call rehabilitation. That is the point of parole.
But that shouldn’t be based on the original crime. That should be based on your time in prison, your remorse, what we call rehabilitation. That is the point of parole.
Murder actually has the lowest recidivism rate of any crime. It’s highly unlikely that this woman is going to kill again, or even park illegally. So what is the point of keeping her in prison then? Pure punishment for a 50 year old crime?
Any church or other religious organization that is physically capable of offering shelter during a disaster and doesn’t should have its tax-free status automatically revoked. They should have to pay taxes like any other business until they can prove their charitable value to the community.
Why do people think they need to sidestep HR? HR is there to keep the company from being sued for sexual harassment when they take it upon themselves to tell a co-worker she’s just too sexy for this job.
One was at school and squirted my white blouse. Creepy because I was a busty 5 th grader and knew what the asshole was doing. Called my mom and she tore the principal a new one.
But dentists make up for that by not dressing like clowns.
Lean into it, clownspeople. Everyone is going to want a creepy clown for their parties.
I thought the point was more that she had male privilege and still hasn’t adjusted to the fact that she no longer does. But I suppose there is an argument to be made that even before coming out, trans women don’t experience male privilege in the same way that cis men do.
You don’t have to take Kanye’s side to detest the White Woman victimhood and fragility Swift has used to her advantage for years. Taylor Swift playing those types of games are harmful in their own way just as Kanye’s misogyny and general bullshit are harmful.
Could we not make this about trans women having male privilege please? That’s not how it works and isn’t required for a rich and famous white athlete to be a Trump supporter.
cue 100+ 14 year old white girls crying ITS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU AND RACISM, OK? BEY FANS SO DELUSIONAL!
I don’t know but I’d like it if we could make her do it somewhere else.
This is how I feel about Taylor Swift all over
...while I went to drag queen bingo.
oh you sweet summer child
excuse you not everyone here is having roast-chicken-surpassing sex on the regular
Your *own canned albacore*? Go on...
I don’t mind a little extra thrown in such as red onion or celery but mince that stuff down to micro particles and don’t overdo. I have a lemon tree and put a little squirt of lemon juice in to add freshness, and use my own canned albacore which mixes nicely and doesn’t require a lot of mayo.