
Or for $17k you could buy an Audi All-Road and have enough cash left over to keep it roadworthy for a year!

Always telling them they aren’t as good as Mrs. Koufax’s boy.

“there’s only two reasons a 40-year old man should be wearing a hat backwards. He’s a professional sniper or he’s giving his buddy a blowjob.”

Douche or no douche: a GM swagged out in team gear in public in two different photos.

I heard Mike Zimmer wanted to convert him to fullback, but he was completely against the switch.

Vote for Pedro, and all your wildest dreams will come true.

Worst Foodspin article ever. Not one recipe for dog.

This guy definitely walks away from explosions without looking back.

You hear that? Bears. Now everyone’s in danger

Also, our menses attract bears.

FRANCESA: [pause] How would she get to the NBA, though?

Plus, how the hell are they going to run up and down the sidelines with high heels on?

Pepperidge Farm remembers

Announcer 1: “That Wiggins chap is really something. He’s got a motor on him”
Announcer 2: “I’ll say, Bob. He really is a physical specimen”

“Hey maybe you haven’t been keepin’ up on current events but we JUST GOT OUR ASSES KICKED PAL!”

Sure, Tampa’s GM is a genius, yet when I get caught unloading the Bishop in an NHL arena I’m some kind of a pervert.

Your username makes more sense now.

I don’t have sex with Kate Upton or Justin Verlander. And, yes, it is because I am superstitious.

I have a feeling that my performance would improve by having sex with Kate Upton.