My childhood just came rushing back to me. Thanks for the pic!
My childhood just came rushing back to me. Thanks for the pic!
Holy *shit* how did I forget about that. I’m a dunce. Thanks!
Serious question: is that the origin of the term “Uncle Tom”?
“I can’t pass you.”
I’ve lived in Boston for the last 5 years and was in Maine before that.
This is the good shit.
Please do more of these because it was just THE BEST! (Seriously.)
If we need to spend all this time analyzing over and debating the rule book, the rule book is too freaking complicated.
As always, Drew “BIG CATALOG” Magary delivers.
The ironing is that (I assume..) we’re both in Boston right now.
The problem with ATM machines is that I never remember my PIN number..
In all seriousness, please tell me where to find this wealthy people/cheap land place. I’ve got cars and bikes that need a home!
How on earth is a vote for Gov. Johnson a vote for Mr. Trump? I literally don’t understand.
No, I didn’t. He’s a buffoon and is grossly unqualified for the office. But the fact remains, he won the election fair and square.
Fuck these people. Seriously, fuck them. We have an electoral system and that systems uses the Electoral College. According to the system, Mr. Trump won and Sec. Clinton lost.
FWIW, not everyone who doesn’t like Sec. Clinton is actually a misogynist.
Godot? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gov. Johnson is both the best thing and the worst thing to happen to the Libertarian Party in this election.