
I never blame the illness in these cases. Carefully planned violence, racism, and misogyny aren’t symptoms of bipolar (as you know, I also have it). The illness may have contributed to how he dealt with the childhood trauma he endured, but it can’t be blamed or scapegoated for what he did.

Yeah I was mostly commenting on how terrible my impatience is. I might actually break something essential without thinking if I become frustrated enough. My therapist when my stuff got stolen gifted me his old laptop that was 10ish year old. He was a saint. Is there anyway to get it fixed?

Frequent rewriting would have made that impractical, or so I thought at the time. Not to mention the folder was pretty big because it also included large photo files (cover art concepts and fan fiction banners); the folder was a few gigs (like 3-4). I did have a flash drive, but that either was also stolen during the

I have all of those (well the depression is technically part of my bipolar disorder) as well as ADHD. In a similar boat as you in terms of writer’s block. Haven’t been able to do it for going on 3 years now. My apartment was broken into and I lost my laptop as well as my hard drive with my back ups of 3 fan fictions

Joking is fine, but I’m also allowed to respond honestly. Go have fun with the kittens. I’ll go play with my pit bulls.

My heart is sufficiently warm. I have my puppies and a significant other who actually thinks about what I like when buying gifts, resulting in some excellent additions to my bookshelf.

If you want to express complete ignorance about me, flowers are perfect as I have hayfever and skin allergies to all types. I used to hate when my mom and sister got them cause I would have rashes and itchy eyes, sneezing for days until they died. Worse was when my aunt had her wedding (tiny) in our house and filled

I’m a woman and extremely allergic to both. No thanks.

Should say “obediente” as well.

The only option I’ve been given so far is swimming but I don’t have regular access to a pool. I only have hypermobility actually. That’s why I see a rheumatolist. Sorry if my cimments were misleading. I’ve struggled with joint pain all my life and started seeing a rheumatologist when I was about 13 when my mom

I have hypermobility in all of my joints. I get frequent dislocations and have a couple that are chronic (they won’t stay in place without taping/bracing). Exercise was my main way of dealing until I dislocated my right hip and could no longer run and was advised against the yoga/pilates/dance regime. My physical

My new doctor seens to like prescribing the highest dosages of ibuprofen to me even though I told her it doesn’t work. I have 2 huge bottles just accumulating dust that I should’ve just not picked up. Vicodin doesn’t help either except to make me nauseated and dizzy.

I teach Spanish to native English speakers, and I’m constantly reminding them how easy spelling is in Spanish compared to English. It has less sounds and everything is spelled how it sounds. They still complain though when they have to deal with accent marks. They just need to be grateful Spanish uses those to signal

My rheumatologist had me on 500mg 2x a day for 4 years. I had to take ulcer medication as a precaution. I’m surprisingly resistant to pain meds. Never did much to help other than lessen the amount of pain just enough so that I could actually move like a normal teen most days.

Bernie Sanders. Not as unrealistic as Clinton supporters would like you to think. This post and Clinton’s announcement prove that.

This. Jez won’t mention him as a viable candidate cause tgey know he’s better. One of the 1st priorities of his campaign is overturning Citizens United. Clinton is just reacting.

Now where are those bingo cards. I knowwe have them aroundhere somewhere. We already got “race doesn’t exist”, reverse racism, and tone policing.

My parents came from El Salvador in 84/85, they’re suspect of all republicans because of Reagan. If they could vote (neither is a citizen due to lack of immigration reform), they’d vote democrat. I just told my mom about Bernie Sanders and she genuinely wants him to win. She’s skeptical of Hillary since Bill passed

You are right. Thank you for pointing that out. I starred you since I can’t edit my post. There is a lot of racism amongst Latinos (I’m Latina) especially against Afro-Latinos.

Oh trust that yours does far more than ours. This is just lip service unless sge gets elected and manages to actually keep her word, not something politicians are known for.