
Not really. There is a big divide between Cuban Americans and other Latino Americans on immigration. There’s a reason many Cubans are republican while other Latinos tend to be democrats. Cubans tend to lean against leftist ideals (because of their experience as a culture with communism). They also had the privilege of

He may be even further left than Warren which is fine by me. I think Jez just doesn’t want him to win cause he’s not a woman even if he’s the best candidate for women right now.

Glad other people who aren’t gray are pointing it out.

Well she might be mistakenly trying to keep the accent because México has one and sobreesdrujula words never lose the accent mark. A lot of native speakers have issues with accent msrk usage, so she may be overcorrecting. I’m a Spanish teacher and I see this somewhat often.

I think Jez is not so subtly backing Hillary and doesn’t want to give any other dem a chance at beating her out by mentioning them in a positive light. Bernie may be an old white man, but he has a better track record tgan Hillary for women’s rights, civil rights, and being anti corporation and pro worker’s rights. Not

I’m basically waiting for the day when the slight itching I get on my tongue might turn into full on oral allergy syndrome. My allergies seem to be getting worse every year but so far I’ve been lucky. I’m basically allergic to every polken they’ve tested me for (something like 40).

Bernie Sanders is running for the Democratic nod against Hillary..things like this quote are why he has my vote and she doesn't.

I am one of those demisexuals. I've only ever been attracted sexuly to 1 person and am in a het relationship. However when I was growing up most of my romantic feelings (people who I wanted to know and would obsess over) were tiwatds women, but never sexual so I didn't think myself as lesbian or even bi (both imply

Diabetes seems like a good analogy. I've heard it several times. I attempted twice as a child/teen. Realizing there was something wrong with me mentally that required medical attention, even though I couldn't get treatment until I was 19 (thanks mom for refusing to get me help), helped me keep myself alive through the

My old therapist and I talked about this often. I always say I have a chronic, potentially fatal illness. I don't actually want to die when I'm suicidal. I actively fight against it. My fuckered up brain chemistry makes me think that suicide is the only cure. It's like having a voice in my head that sounds like me

It really does, but many places just will not take you seriously unless you say allergy. A lot of people with sensitivities just grow tired of explaining so they just say allergy. It's kind of a vicious cycle of confusion.

Thanks for clarifying. If she is, I hope she's getting treatment. It's a tough disorder to battle. It's difficult only ever seeing people with mental illness highlighted when they're acting out (see: Amanda Bynes) rather than when they are doing well (see also: Demi Lovato when she wasn't in treatment vs. now that

I honestly just can't handle people attempting to ascribe mental illnesses to people who act like jerks or have "mood swings". Being bipolar myself, it's highly offensive and minimizing of the very real problems stigma of mental illness. I've always thought your comments on The Salad Bowl were very insightful, so I'm

I used to like down the street from that frat freshman and sophomore year. Graduated '10. They had tons of investgations/violations whike I was in school. I think I actually remember an acquaintance that said you should never attend a party there alone. I never went there because of that.

I'm doing grad at csun right now and my roommate is a GRL alum. They're kinda the exception to the rule (probably because they are a kick ass queer sorority). There was that terrible hazing resulting in a student dying in the desert incident at the end of last semester from one if the frats. Luckily they were

And also for tearing their much wanted daughter away from her twin brotber, without ensuring he was at minimim well taken care of after abandoning him. I cannot believe they could sleep at night with what they've done knowing that their daughter may one day find out.

Yep. They only see themselves and people exactly like them as deserving of anything.

The cognitive dissonance required for this is astonishing

In a nutshell, yup. The whole "I got mine, fuck everyone else trying to get theirs" attitude while actively preventing people from getting what they need while shouting about how they never got any help and are on the moral high ground act makes me sick.

Mine start on the 11th. I'm still in school but I'm interning, so I am allowed to work as a teacher of record while still in school.