
To Ice Cube I say:

I live in a deeply red pocket of outer LA county, and we get ravaged by fires every year. Most of the property that gets lost in the fires is rural ranchers/farmers that kean heavily republican.

I haven't heard/seen this one yet. Now I want to research it because you're right about it following Spanish orthography better. There really isn't a lot of usage of the letter X in Spanish.

I’m not from the Bronx, but that is the most transparently fake Bronx accent I’ve ever heard. She literally sounds like a midwestern white lady putting on a her version of a ”ghetto” accent.

I was on it to help treat bipolar, but I might also be on the spectrum. It made me kind of zombie-like, but isn't the worst med I've been on. Plus it actually helped me stay calm.

I get what you are saying, but for me it reads as excusing his behaviors and blaming the illness, which does more harm to people who also have bipolar than it does good. We get painted with the same brush and are assumed to behave similarly. Kanye needs help. He is unwell. But his steady pattern of being egotistical,

All I can do is speak from my experience and advocate for people that are going through it as well. I’m not saying Kanye is perfectly in control or that his mania can’t differ from mine, I’m saying that the overarching behaviors he is exhibiting are not typically symptomatic of bipolar disorder. I’m not saying he

Because narcissism and megalomania aren’t symptoms of bipolar mania in the DSM? I’m not speaking only for myself. I’ve worked in group therapy and read first-hand accounts of other people. Delusions of grandeur that come with mania are not permanent, they go away when the mania subsides. Bipolar is by definition

Thank you! Lots of love to you, too. Mental illness is a struggle, but we can get treatment and heal.

That’s the thing. Part of it very much is the delusion, but he’s made the delusion his brand. I don’t think that he is 100% without moments of clarity where he can see reality more clearly. The problem seems to be he doesn’t care to see reality a chooses to live the delusion. To me that points to something outside of

I’m more concerned that any one of them may have bipolar disorder and struggle to get proper treatment because of his refusal to do so. It’s genetic, so it wouldn’t be shocking that at least one of them has it. My father passed it on to me, and I went until 19 without being diagnosed because he doesn't believe in

I saw that. I'm not sure why so many people think it's her job to get him treatment. He is his own person, and getting someone into treatment against their will is extremely difficult to do. I don't like her, but I also don't think it's her job to reign in a grown man who has a diagnosis and the means to get the best

Thanks. I see people trying to be sensitive to his mental health struggles, but it really does the community more disservice than good to excuse his behaviors as simply that of someone who is severely mentally ill. Same with those who imply trump is just severely mentally ill or that mass murders or serial killers are

This. I have bipolar. I got my ass into treatment and struggle to manage it every day. Somehow, I still managed never to be a narcissistic asshole. I may have been psychotic to the point of breaking with reality and definitely had some serious delusions, but I never have behaved a egomaniacal as this guy. It isn’t

Speaking as someone with the “most severe” firm of bipolar (type I with rapid cycling and psychosis), I agree. This long-term unhinged behavior seems more performative than symptomatic of bipolar. The main tell for me is that this behavior is a steady occurence, while bipolar is cyclical. To me it looks like he took

Kids are pretty terrible at keeping germs to themselves with a normal cold or flu, so I think your fears are well-founded. 

My school (independent charter) and the local districts will be online this fall. I was terrified of having to go back with students in person. The board still wants us to report in person, which worries me. I don't want to catch covid in the staff break room, the recycled air, shared bathrooms, etc. 

I spent most of my formative years as an aspiring engineer watching Mythbusters. Grant and Jamie were my favorites. I never became an engineer, sadly, but I still have a strong love of it thanks in large part to him and the Mythbusters team.

2020 sucks. It was a freak brain aneurysm. No way to predict or prevent it. So sad. 

I’m one of those teachers. I have asthma and a genetic disorder that makes it difficult for me to get over even the flu. I max out my PTO and then some every single year. I got bronchitis so badly once as a teen and missed nearly 2 months of school. I go back to work and get sick, odds are I’ll be out for months or