
I didn't know that. I feel for her, but if her response to him refusing help is to just give up, she knows what kind of situation she's staying in. In her position I'd tell him to get help or I'm taking the kids and leaving.

It’s quite possibly a choice she’s made, but he’s also refusing treatment, which impossible to make work if the patient doesn’t want it. Treatment isn’t just medication, it’s therapy as well. If he’s not doing any of the work to be stable, the people who love him shouldn’t be expected to suffer through it. My mom is

As a person with bipolar disorder, his refusal to get treatment/stay on treatment would be an absolute deal breaker for me (I'd expect to be treated similarly). He has the means to get the best care in the world. If I can do it on a teacher's salary and time, he can do it with his multi-millions and team of

Dragon Ball Z (manga/anime) has a character named Raditz. That was my first thought. They have a running joke that all characters of a certain planet are named after vegetables (ex. Kakarot, Vegeta, Kale, Broly).

Exactly why he won't get my primary vote. If he still gets the job, I'll hold my nose to keep trump from getting re-elected (as I did when voting for HRC), but his ideals are exactly what keeps some voters at home and disillusioned with the whole thing. When your choices are terrible and slightly less terrible,

That is what made Skins watchable for me. The teens seemed realistic because of the levity in between all of the *drama* that realistically just doesn’t concentrate conveniently in a group of half a dozen conventionally attractive teens. This sounds overly serious and edgy for the sake of being edgy.

Right? I have anxiety, ADHD, bipolar I (with rapid cycling and psychosis until properly medicated), and complex PTSD and I wasn’t half so bleak 24/7 as a teen. Despite multiple suicide attempts and a screwed up family, I was constantly being goofy with my friends. I’m a teacher now, and the high school kids I work with

I too have bipolar. It’s not something I’d wish on anyone. I have type 1 with rapid cycling and psychosis. I get very anxious about being being aware of reality. It makes gaslighting or even just tiny denials of facts huge triggers for me. I always feel “too intense” for people. I haven’t made any real friends since

Thank you. People forget that impeachment proceedings for Clinton tarnished Gore by association and helped Bush Jr. win. I may only have been 13, but the morning after election day 2000 is etched in my brain as a political awakening. We can't keep playing it safe, doing do only gives the right more power 

This. If the can at least agree to start proceedings in the house, it won't be a good look on trump even if he stays in office up to election day. Plus the can campaign on their string anti-trump stance instead of shitting on more progressive candidates.

At my school, there is a Kanye and a JayZ...

I've been getting treatment for 11 years now and haven't attempted in 10 years. I can't say I don't still think of it often, but I can tell myself that it's a symptom of my illness and the feeling will pass eventually.

This. I refuse to have guns anywhere I could access them. I've attempted 3 times and contemplated many more. If I'd had access to a gun, I'd already be dead. It's not worth the risk to anyone with mental illness to own one or have access to one.

I live close to a poppy preserve, but I never bother to do much but admire them from my car window. The superbloom plus butterfly migration are great, but we don’t need a million crappy selfies to prove that. All I know is I’m well stocked in allergy meds and am avoiding driving out near the fields.

Yup. Full tuition and board rose to $24k plus my senior year at Berkeley. If I had stayed in engineering, I would've needed a 5th year with zero aid other than loans. I changed my major at the end of freshman year after being diagnosed with 2 severe mental illnesses and the first tuition hike.

I guess a more accurate phrase is “mildly annoyed”. I never wanted to go to an Ivy and said as much in my Princeton and Yale interviews cause the interviewers were nice. The lady from Harvard was a rude person who made me wear a suit and asked to meet at a Starbucks in a 1 mile strip of street that had 3 Starbucks

This makes me feel bitter about getting denied by Yale and Harvard and waitlisted to Princeton. I got offered scholarships to Berkeley and Davis, got into UCLA, and got acceotance/scholarships from a few other Cal States and UCs. I applied to Ivies as a joke egged on by my friends and cause I was poor enough for a fee

I graduated from Berkeley. I started as a mechanical engineering major (had to switch for reasons that had to do with health and money). My first semester engineering design prof told us if he gave us a C, it was an A at Yale, so we shouldn't be upset if we weren't straight A students, be because if you fail out of

I joke that my medical record is too thick for even my doctors to read.