
I see no soda machine or food dispensers in that room!

I love me some Bruce Willis, I'm cool with The Rock....but Bruce in my GI Joe? I dunno, nothing about this trailer said this is a movie I want to see. I actually kinda liked the first one,

I tried it out a little, it would do the sale sometimes, but also sometimes cause the game to crash. Still, a handy tip to collect enough money to buy my first property. :)

Wow, ok, I have to go back and watch the end, because the last thing I remember seeing is Eugene dieing in the elevator, which was very sad.

Substitute Fisher for Lynda Carter and I agree.

I keep expecting Matt Smith to break into a Dr. Pepper commercial when he starts talking.

Wow, that was torture. I only made it half way through, and I only made it that far by imagining Joel and the bots were at the bottom of the screen. That movie could have used some Torgo.

Wait, when did they show something about Olivia being gassed? I don't remember seeing that at all.

Well apparently "a lot of you" are morons. Of course Apple was going to give you a 1st gen back. You want a new gen? Go buy it yourself, sheesh.

I'm getting Crysis 2 flashbacks from that picture.

Awsome, I guess I'll go see it now. I love Tarsem, but was afraid this was some cheap 300 knockoff. But if it still looks cool, then I guess I'll see it on the big screen.

Came to post the same thing.

And that's when I'd go...ok ok, here, I give up, you can have it....(wait a few seconds)....PSYCHE!

Agreed, The Ring is massively over rated.

I am obviously not drunk enough to watch this

I'm pretty sure I owned this game back in the day, but these videos aren't ringing any bells. I must have thankfully mindwiped the horrors of the FMV period.

Not seeing this on Amazon, otherwise I'd order it.

I remember earlier in the year getting geeked up to play BF3, then the usual EA/DICE BS started to roll out, and this + Origin has me leaning towards not playing BF3. I really hate giving EA any money these days.

Actually, Jason Williams wasn't on that Kings team, it was Mike Bibby by then. So replace Jason's name with Bibby or Peja

Damnit, quit trying to make me switch from the cheap PC version of Arkham City to the 360 version just so I can get the damn version with the Batman statue.