
Shouldn't Tesla coils sing OMD's Tesla Girls? Or at least Tesla songs?

But will SyFy come back to MY television? No.

How about the cheapness of Season 3 of Land of the Lost, amiright? That totally went down the drain, and I blame Uncle Jack! And the last season of Airwolf totally did a War of the Worlds and nuked the cast.

Gee, China copying our stuff, there's a first!

Yeah, but Cool Spot was actually a good game. So, you know, it has that going for it.

Jebus, has it really been that long since it's launch? Man, I remember fondly those cluster-f days of trying to run through cities, and looking like I was in slow-mo bionic mode. Once that got fixed, it was fun. I went back a few years ago to try it for free, it just seemed too empty when I looked. Also weird

Hah, I had that book back in the day. I wish I had all that old stuff.

Violent Femmes reference, check.

Nothing I hate worse than animification of Western art. I was excited to come across a Liara statuette, until I saw it was an anime version, barf. If that 2nd to last picture is supposed to be a Turian, I'll stab my eyes out.

I'm liking my Vita, but this whole thing has also reminded me how much I hate Sony. They're going back on my no-buy list.

China's #1 skill to to rip off everyone else's ideas.

I need some rye.

The easy 1 step method to totally avoid Metro...

As someone that spent 3 hours today reading a book on my iPad, they can bite me.

Yeah. Though to be fair, I'm usually a slow gamer. If it's a 10 hour game, it'll take me 15. :)

Wow, that looked like a load of boring.

My vote is no, but that's me. I know when I hit the 40 hour mark I start thinking about when this is going to end and maybe I should stop messing with side quests and just finish the game. And then I have a hard time doing that.

I still love saying this. Unfortunately people usually think I'm crazy.

This will be my last month for a while, I just don't have enough time to play other than on weekends. I do thank SWTOR for turning me onto The Sith though. I just always thought of the Empire as a bunch of bozos who can't shoot straight, but now I know they have a better background now.

Now playing

Crazy wimmin. But my fondness of Kristen has increased now.