
One of my all time favorite games. Don't forget the cow catapult! Cowtapult? Or was it a cow cruise missile? It involved cows anyway. This is the one game that would make get around to playing with an Amiga emu.

As someone who did a high school econ project on video with a buddy as Bob & Doug, I approve of this message.

I guess it's just me, but I thought Elmo said "lick" not "lift" the first time. I was kinda, WTF YEAH BABY!

It used to be Mondays or Tuesdays, I'm trying to figure out why the networks have decided to make my Fridays a living hell? I guess they all decided to reject the "day of death" notion and cram it full of stuff.

He probably hasn't tried the crisp, delicious taste of DJO Apple Juice. Ask for it by name.

The last 5 minutes made me realize how much I missed last season, cuz this was the only 5 minutes of bat-s**t craziness I enjoyed. And a lot of it was knowing Russell was coming back.

Smart thinking HP, try to do something nice, but in such a screwed up way that you just end up annoying people for another reason. It would have been better just to not have done this at all.

I wonder if "game throwing refs" are a DLC.

Yeah, except Amazon screwed the pooch on my Augemented Windows copy and it didn't get here on release day. In fact if you go to their site, it still says it's not in stock until the 31st, so I ended up Steaming it. And Amazon may have just pushed me into doing that more often now.

Just another Saturday night for Arnie.

Glad I got the 32GB and case when I did. That's one way of selling out of pads!

Thank god I'm not the only one that's starting to wear the meh pants, Torchwood is in danger of making totally not give a crap. This should have been a 6 episode series.

My first reaction was that this sucks ass...but then I thought about it, and I know I deal with a lot of people running OS X, and I'll see they'll have like 8 apps running and they have no clue. So, as long as they give ME the option to turn it off, I'm OK with it.

Shrug, I'd say I cared, but I've already written off SyFy and stopped watching anything on it.

Why not honor your dead loved ones, mix them with some H, and shoot it in your arm?

I don't know why people think companies shouldn't make a profit. If they release this, this is obviously a "ok, fine, you whined, so if you want it bad enough here it is for $70" thing.

Love the game, hate the TV-ness of it. It drives me crazy with the blather and all the crap. I don't need to see still pictures at the end of the game, I want to quit and get back to my recruiting!

B & M Brown Bread rules so much. I can't find it in NorCal anymore, so I've ordered online in the past, I'd give it to my mom for x-mas. I wouldn't eat it all the time, but once in a long while as a treat, it's great.

As soon as they did the Mexican Viagra, I knew we'd be going into A Boy and his Dog territory. And I think I'm going to have all future sex partners refer to me as their Ghost Daddy.

Requirements are Core 2 Duo, so any of the early Intels with Core Duo or the solo core don't meet the requirements.