
Despite it's few flaws, the Jefferson Starships had to be the line of the year, especially since they stuck to it.

I hope Shocker doesn't have a secret handshake...

I just have zero interest in this because I find anything Marvel mutant related gives me a headache. It's sad, because X-Men was the first book I really started collecting back in the day (vol 1 #145) and I was always a bigger Marvel than DC fan, I always thought of DC as "old fashioned".

I wish they could have just pushed the past 2 episodes to the end and make this the final episode, it would make more sense. I almost don't want to watch the last 2 now

Syfy is already dead to me once SGU is done.

I caught the full version by luck last night, glad I DVRed it, went back and watched it again today. I'm psyched about this new album. And I love Elijah Woods for some reason.

Ah, well then I'll read harder, damnit.

This is going to show that I've gone from CA to IL a lot, because my DD-WRT firmware on my router makes things think I'm in IL when I'm not.

Can we hang some rubberbands off his face and see how close he gets to Capt. Lou Albano?

If 1941 and Schindler's List were on at the same time, I'd watch 1941 every time.

God, I've got my priorities wrong. I'm more giddy about BOOSTER GOLD! than the Doctor. Well, to be far, I hadn't heard about BG showing up until now. I stopped watching Smallville last year, but I'll have my DVR set for this now.

And so is Tony Stark or Nathan Stark related?

That girl really gave her the finger!

Yeah, there was a moment where I thought it was Amy Acker

I was so happy when this came out in BD.

I was never wowed by Habit, Counter wasn't bad but pricey. I used to be a big In-n-Out fan when there wasn't any in NorCal, but since they got here, I don't go that often, I get sick of them quickly.

For some reason, I've liked the last few Sonic burgers I've had there, I'll usually get a supersonic jalepeno. And I love the onion rings. Luckily I don't have one close by, the nearest one is about 15 miles away, otherwise I'd be hitting it for happy hour slushes all the time.

That was worth a snork for the end.

I have to admit that the VIC-slim is kinda sexy looking.

You had me at Tarsem.