
Well that means you get excited by just about everyone, I hope you keep well stocked in undies. :)

Cool looking stuff, I might bight. It's been ages since I've gone out and bought magazines. Not since the 90s.

Hmmm, I was going to rewatch Season 1 of ReGenesis, I better run through those before seeing Super, it might mess with my head too much.

"After some horrifying experimentation they found that their volunteer went completely numb, even when being hit in the shin with a small hammer or rigorous pulling on his testicles."

Hmmm, I really want to see this now, but I have a strict no-jazz-hands policy.

I was interested in this movie, but you got me sold at Cheap Trick.

Nothing better than ghost O face. ummm....I need some booze now.

If I had a dollar for every time I saw a giant wiener sticking out of a car window....

I'm actually going to miss this show, it's way better than some of the other shows discussed here. I've always liked the brooding atmosphere, especially set by the music used in the show.

I didn't get Homefront because of hearing how short it was. Having just played Bulletstorm and Mafia II recently, they were maybe just a touch short, but Mafia II was worth it for $10-15. And I'd say Bulletstorm is a great buy when it hits $20, and I would still say ok at $30 because I thought it was fun.

So he drew anal beads on the map? Well played Mr. Lynch.

God, that whole period pf FMV in the early 90s was a giant suckfest.

But cuter

Crikey, did those 2 horses really take headers? I had to stop at that point on principle.

For some reason, when I read "time stopping rape watch", it made me immediately think of Penny Arcade. It sounds like something they would say.

For DirecTV users, they're showing No Heroics in HD on their channels (101?). Just search on the name, you'll find it.

Can we request an Adam Morrison crying scene?

I wouldn't be caught dead with a zune.

I still have my HD-DVD player and I snagged an extra to sit in the garage when they went cheap, just because that's cheaper than replacing the HD-DVD videos I have.

But he stayed at a Holiday Inn!