
21 is my hero, and I now know what I want for x-mas, a Mrs. Monarch cheerleader figurine.

Do you want to smell like a sweaty Steve Ballmer?? Hells no.

Fan of the powerline adapter. Spent a while trying to get a WDS setup to work to get coverage to the opposite side of the house and I could never get it to consistently work. Bought a powerline adapter, plugged it in, had a connection on the other side of the house in less than 5 min. Just ended up hanging an

I have to say, this may the most accurate story I've read on here. It's both cute and horrible, and I'm torn about it.

I'm on the fence. I'm mainly with the "he didn't pay, he doesn't get the service", and I can see refusing the $75 fee on the spot, but I could also see taking money with a penalty fee, say make it $150, but then again, you're introducing some possible problems with keeping track of it, so...shrug

I'm disappointed there's no giant glass cube or something.

Looks to me like the WD TV Live is the cheap way to go, as long as you don't need wireless.

Iran done goofed up and got backtraced.

@FrankieViturello: Guess that goes to show I use it mostly as a BD player than for games, and I don't play online usually. :)

I was surprised by the envelope pushing that both Venture Bros and Metalocalypse did last night. But those were some sad tits.

I've stopped updating my PS3 until I'm forced to, they keep breaking things.

It's both funny and sad at the same time. I'll pour out a guinness for my homie.

But I want the live Joey f'ed up version of I'm the Man

You got me all interested in giving Chrome a try until you did the "Where Firefox still wins", because adblock and DownThemAll are important to me.

@hockalees: I think it's called the "Darwin Game"

I usually watch Castle online during lunch on Tuesdays.

Needs more PWEIzation

@zap rowsdower: I've been killing time during lunch by watching Twin Peaks on It's been years since I watched them, so it's almost like new. I still grin at all the things that happen.