
Thank god for Venture Bros. I watched it right after True Blood and it cleaned out the slightly bitter taste in my mouth. (non-taste of blood pun intended).

I'm just glad they didn't do what I expected after the first episode, which is to fix everything and go back to the right universe.

Uh, the iphone is NOT the same cost as the ipod. It's being subsidized by the carriers.

@crosis101: I still picture Connelly topless in The Hot Spot, but that's me. :)

@fullsoul: yeah, that's the story I'd always heard, that they didn't want kids thinking they could FLAME ON at home.

Too late, it's time for TV season. I've got one more book to get in this weekend, and then WORDS ARE DEAD TO ME.

I'm breathing easier now. I'll have to get a classic in the future for the day my 5th Gen dies, it's what I use in my car. I think my 5th Gen is starting to think about croaking...

@8x10: The one with Miss Jones?

You had me until the "play and charge kits" part. I've given up on those POSes, I've gone through 2 MS batteries already, they seem to only last a year, and I really don't use it that much.

Too bad they couldn't name Danielle "Joy". I know it breaks the rules, but I'd like to see Earl and Joy raise some hell.

Article FTW with the nod to Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

Wow, very nice job.

They just need to use Chatroulette

I demand Rob Liefeld draw these to make them even better! And they need more Dazzler. Or would that be BeDazzler?! (Beppo the Supermonkey + Dazzler)

@RizzRustbolt: Agreed, this is the one that jumped out at me.

Now we know why sasquatch has hairy palms.

I'm a Dune whore, but no, it shouldn't be on this list.

I'll be passing on this.