
Poo, I'm unimpressed with DLCs, and the ones I got for DA when it came home just solidified my feeling that they're not worth it, but I might have to bite on this one to wrap up the story.

The girl is either voguing or doing the robot.


@Mikster: Cube: Super-small cube

I just carry mine in a big ass bag when I take it to work, so it won't be confused with a purse. If I'm going to take it out to a coffee shop, I'll just skip the bag.

Heh, odd, I was just thinking about this the other week. We had a place in town that sold waterbeds that sponsored late night movies all the time on local TV, back in the good ol days.

1. Going online.

I can dress as a furry and shoot people?! YIF YIF

Bleeping pigs. I understand cops don't have an easy job, but it's stuff like this that makes me angry. I trust cops as far as I can throw one.

It needs more Dazzler and Booster Gold!

@Goof_Troop: Heh, I'm about 25% into the book.

I for one welcome our vampire overlords.

pfft, not interested in them if they're not the originals.

I need a top hat and goggles so I can be steampunk.

"Drink More Ovaltine" is too long.

Go to my happy, I have to go to my happy place. I'm in my cave now.

@J-a-z: and it DOES have the proper amount of suction!