
I made the mistake of reading short reviews on The Passage and Blood Oath in my NPR app and ended up buying both.

I'd be curious to see a demo of this, though I'm in no way going to buy the equipment at this time. I hope Best Buy or someone shows it off.

But wait, isn't this Apple's fault?? I mean, that's what it said on your website with your link to Gawker! It's Apple's Worst Security Breach EVAR!

@sean98125: Monster Cable is going to sue Australia.

To quote from Jose Chung's "From Outer Space"..." I didn't spend all those years playing Dungeons And Dragons and not learn a little something about courage. "

I always feel weird reading these surveys, cuz it tells me I shouldn't be updating my system as often as I do. Hopefully I don't make any changes to my i7/5870 system for another 2 years. Though that's what I always say...

"must not mind police or FBI searches"

I like hot chicks as much as any straight guy, but these commercials turn me off. To the game I mean. Don't insult my intelligence with a stupid commercial. At least the American commercial is slightly funny, though still kinda meh.

Can't wait to get RDR on my PC someday, there are times on my 360 where the framerate starts chugging.

@Erwin: Thanks for blowing this up, now I feel dirty.


Anyone know if she did the screenplay for Kick-ass? I'm not quite clear on that.

As someone that plays a lot, but not all RPGs, doesn't play a lot of console RPGs, and maybe only gets 1 JRPG a DECADE (that might even be accurate, last FF game was FF7, and the only other one that comes to mind was Eternal Sonata), I'm loving FF13 (see, you can tell I'm not a FF fanboy, I'm not using Roman numerals).

@Sakilla: Oh fine, and I suppose you don't want me to use Maxim's game reviews either! :)

Hah, look at the prices online, Tali is easily the most expensive and Shepard is the cheapest. Supply and demand.

@lazyeyes: Yup, I'll just have to read.