
I want, but still won't order without a demo.

@Tastycrisp: Oh man, that takes me back, what game was that?

Where's the PS3 demo Lewbowski??

@Morte: Al Davis is a freakin Reaper, he's never going away.

Sometimes the cat nom noms, sometimes the cat gets nom nommed.

@bitgod: They'll come in gnome and Tauren size, cuz allys have puny wangs!

I'll wait for the WoW branded condoms.

Thank god this is on the PSP, otherwise I'd have to get it.

I'll wait for Alan Wake Forever.

The only DLC I've bought was the stuff that came with the Dragon's Age Deluxe version, and having seen that, it's going to keep me from buying more, not impressed with what I paid for.

Damn you Jeremy, and here I thought you should have gotten an Oscar nomination for Orgazmo!

Overnight at least once when playing Rygar on the NES. It didn't save games and I was going to finish that mofo

Interesting, I'll be curious to feel one up and see if I like it. I'm kinda so-so on my Razer Mamba, it's the first Razer I've owned and I don't see myself getting another, disappointed in the build quality. Which is too bad, it feels nice in my hand.

But will any of the 3D channels be porn?

I prefer my Hercules movies to have SANDSTORM!

It just seems like Apple and Google are in one big cripple fight.

So the cure is that I have to shove a shaved mouse up my butt?

Lets do the Time Bounce again!

@Shaun Keogh: Haha, Future Sailors was the first thing that came to mind, I'll wait for that game.

@Azures: You can get it off the internet, just don't get off on the internet.