
I loved the soundtrack in the demo and the overall feel, but....I don't see myself buying this, it didn't grab me enough.

Sweet, she was a staple for my team too, I was depressed when I didn't see her name on the earlier roster. Now, can I get her in that no hair, no arms version? Tell you what, take the legs off too and call her Helena.

I have to admit, I Hitman was a guilty pleasure for me. I watched it on cable a few weeks ago, knowing everyone hated it, but I ended up kinda liking it. Mainly because of the chick. :)

I was really tempted to buy the LeChuck outfit...then thought about it and how I scoff at PS3 Home users that pay for stuff, so I changed my mind.

Damn, I wouldn't mind this figure, and I'm not really in the hobby. Had it been say 40 or maybe even 50, I'd have gone for it.

The great thing is, the article title would work just as well on Fleshbot.

My GOTY so far is Ghostbusters. Typical slow first half of a year.

Cuz the West Coast is the Best Coast, word.

All I know is I get to keep spending more than I make, and Jesus will pay off my debts with his AmEx! Praise Jesus!

Have them make a ATHF game in Boston and see how he likes dem apples.

I'll take Jenni. Just something hot about an blonde, blue-eyed asian chick.

OMG, I hope this comes out well. I played the hell out of EWB on my Amiga, and a lot of the fun was the classic ballparks and being able to make your own.

Make it $5 for the game, and maybe it'll be worth it. It was my worst purchase of the year for me, MEH. Over-hyped.

Good timing, I just bought the Rouge Leaders book.

Early 2010? I'll mark that down for Sept. 2010 then.


Haha, this reminds me of when I did something similar in a play-by-mail game I played while in high school. YES PBM, it was the 80s, we didn't have your new fangled innernet tubes yet, just BBSes, don't make me shake my cane at you!

I'd be interested in this book, but even at Amazon price it's still $43, that's probably higher than I'd want to go. They need to show some more pictures of the inside on the Amazon page, that might get me to bite.