
I totally expect my PS3 to outlive my 360, not even talking about RRoD, just because it's mainly my blu-ray player.

Awsome if it's good. I always wanted to see a remake of Seven Cities of Gold.

Ugh, hate to pay $9.99, but I probably will for a game I really like. I think I'm going to wait though, as much as I want it now. I want to hear more feedback on it first.


Big fat MEH. My worst purchase of the year, definately not worth the hype.

Murlocs make for good tacos

%!#!$! I would have logged back in for the first time in a few years, if Blizzard hadn't perma-killed my account for some reason. Sigh.

I say the protesters should all drive forklifts to the Sega office.

Gah, this is breaking my $5 game rule and my double-dip rule...but some rules were made to be broken.

So does that mean they get banned from the forums and EA games too?

I like the official version more, that looks more "real" to me. Asian version is just no facial tat, skinner face, and bigger boobs with headlights showing.

It's worth it for $1.99 on the iphone, but 1200 points? Pfft, suck it. (the game ain't bad on the iphone, I never watched the show but I like to test my knowledge. It ain't all easy. damnit, that's 2 ain'ts in here, now 3. DAMN YOU FOXWORTHY, I'M TALKIN LIKE A REDNECK)

Ah! Recognizer!

I'm a bit bent cuz I only wanted the figure. But since I seem to be getting the CE for $66 at amazon, I'll take the other crud for $6 I guess. Unless the price gap widens.

I agree, I wish this had a trial to begin with, then I could have tried it and decided it wasn't my cup of tea without spending money on it. :) I really wanted to like it, I just found the sea battles too drawn out for me.

wait...hi res PSP graphics, AND DS touch controls....AAAAAHHHHHHH. Sigh, put me down for one.