
This is why people hate soccer.

But, but, but... Cowards, Girly Men, RACISM!

I haven’t seen a man in a suit be this simultaneously annoying and worthless since every day in the Trump administration

Herr FunFundvierzig is really trying to turn this country into the economic equivalent of Venezuela with all the protectionist garbage. If he somehow managed to have a fatal “accident” such as an overdose of Vitamin Pb, no one would cry.

I understand that it’s cool to hate on the Warriors because their fans are herbs (valid reason) and because they win a lot (less valid reason) and because Kevin Durant opted to make a mountain of money while fulfilling his professional goals at his preferred place of employment (which is a bullshit reason to hate on

1) That rule change is incredibly stupid.

Is there some available coach out there who has a secret plan for making James less good at basketball?

And - AND - he’s going to have to play a lot more, and at a high level, before this season is done. Tired LeBron doesn’t take down Golden State or the Rockets. Tired LeBron struggles with a high-performing Celtics team. Tired LeBron gets angry at being made tired unnecessarily and leaves in the off season.

Or maybe

If you feel strongly, stop buying the “special”variants. In fact, you could simply wear a t shirt to the game. Professional sports in America, especially sports “merchandising,” is a long con engineered to transform your emotions into their money.

All the hoops you are jumping through are because you know that this is in fact prostitution. Which is fine. But just don’t lie to yourself about it.

I believe him that he didn’t intend to say anything racially motivated, but I also feel that as a broadcaster he needs to be extremely aware of the connotations of anything he might say. Just because Yosemite Sam used to shout things like “wait just a cotton-pickin’ minute!” in old Looney Tunes cartoons doesn’t mean

Dammit. Just dammit. I was all prepared to be completely dismissive of this until they pulled out ‘Beyond the Sea’ and got a smile out of me.

100% of the fish die after being released.

Man, motherfuck baseball, sometimes.

Politics Corner - In the Spirit of Easter, Let’s Bash Us Some Immigrants edition. I don’t like writing about Trump tweets, but I DO like writing about immigration policy and important news. So, sometimes I make exceptions. Trump tweeted that he was no longer interested in a DACA deal, and the GOP senate should kill

Oh no! How can FOX, the multibillion dollar company with an army of lawyers on staff, defend itself from this one kid with maybe a handler or..something? Truly sticking up for the little guy, you are.

Luckily we have a while before he retires because he’s going to stop being the primary ball handler, bulk up, and become the best-passing power forward in the history of the league putting up seasons where he averages like 14/9/7 and still makes everyone around him better until he’s 46.

I have to disagree with everything you said about Brewer other than the three point shooting. That does actually seem unsustainable, given his career average there. Other than that, however, he’s doing the same things he’s always done: high-energy defense and excellent cutting to the basket on transition (where he’s