Jesus, take a night off Bayless
Jesus, take a night off Bayless
Anyone else stuck in this weird spot where you’re generally happy/hopeful about the direction your own life specifically is headed, but the state of the world and the direction its heading constantly drags you down, so you want to just completely ignore and shut out the news, but you feel an obligation to keep…
All you greys telling me how “most of the sports in the Olympics are jokes” and “video games require hand eye coordination” - yeah, no, I’m not elevating you for that crap. Yo-yos require hand-eye coordination, and I’d honestly rather see them in the Olympics than any kind of video game. Even the most boring,…
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
I think that’s her point.
26-14 or, as it’s known in Alabama, courtin’ ages.
The Flames And Wings Had An Old-Fashioned Dust-Up
Oh man, the ride-or-die Moore supporters have a pretty big overlap with the believe-everything-Hannity-says crowd. Who will they take to Twitter in support of? Some brains are exploding out there in Red State Land tonight.
If it makes you feel any better, just remember that this is what their lives have come to. Look at these people for what they are. Old, angry, most likely forced into retiring early, and ignorant. They’ll never change. This is what the rest of their miserable lives will look like. The two of them, sitting around,…
Why would someone in Japan want an American car when they are making better cars? Dealership models aside, but American cars really have no place outside of the USA. Half of American cars sold in the USA are sold on blind patriotism, the rest are new Fords as the ROW Fords that we now get are actually good cars..
You know if I didn’t know any better... I’d be inclined to think Trump just might be a moron.
And you know what? That’s fair. I’d be a bigger fan of Curry if he played for the Cavs. But on the other hand I don’t really understand the amount of hate LeBron gets. He is everything you would want from the face of the franchise and league. Someone who hasn’t had personal issues on or off the court, who is active in…
Your written sentences are dumb! I can’t help that, it’s on you. You think a dude is really smart because he owns shit and can count. That doesn’t make someone a genius, genius. You keep making dumb arguments with the suggestion that no action is the best action, because why bother? That’s a dumb fucking position that…
But what does a family even do with that much space? If that were my place I would have whole wings I never went into. I’d put my phone down somewhere and it would take me weeks to find it again. My kids would probably accidentally murder each other while playing and I wouldn’t even realize it for hours. And imagine…
Oh look at this guy. He’s edgy.
Somewhere, Rex Ryan’s pants just got a little bit more snug. He smelled the air and looked up wistfully, wondering what exactly happened.
Yer logik owfends me, lets fite!
“Kyrie wants to get out before the collapse” makes more sense to me than “Kyrie wants to be the focal point”. I guess Irving thinks he’s better than I do.
Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.