
I have a long-running Civ 5 game where, with the aid of ridiculously overpowered Roman Legionaries, my ultimate goal is to win by having all of the enemy cities freely decide to join my Civ. Slowly but surely my cities influence their neighbors and encroach their borders with massive culture discrepancies, until one

Harsh take if you’re including the original MkI Focus which was a brilliant car in every way given the price, except perhaps for long-term reliability. (But then again since when has “reliability” ever stopped someone that’s into cars? See: Romeo, Alfa.) If MkIs were ever considered jokes contemporaneously, it was

Bummer man sorry to hear it. My sympathies to all those who’ve suffered loss, her included.

I’m with you. The song just doesn’t play well to my ears.

Oh I wholeheartedly agree with you there, I’m just play-acting the response of mouthbreathers all across America for whom reading is a bar too high. Statues or it didn’t happen for them, apparently.

Can’t watch the video at the moment, but does he cover the “If you take down the statues, how will we know about our history?” argument? Probably so, right?

I had a 1996 Z34 Monte Carlo! As a high-schooler in the late 90s, it was a fantastic car. It wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous, but was reasonably attractive in its generic way especially in bright red. It was decently quick, made a lovely snarl at high revs, had a masssssssive trunk, was comfortable/roomy inside, and the

Holy god yes, this one thousand times over. Took me 5.5 years to get out but the tail... Lord the tail was never-ending.

Very true words here, I can do naught but agree. No apology needed.

I’ve heard of the Green Book before and remain outraged that shitty white people forced black tourists into creating/needing it just to travel across their own goddamn country.

I totally agree! I was spitballing with someone about homes when the Powerball jackpot was so huge, and we both couldn’t understand what in the goddamn hell we’d do with tens of thousands of square feet. I mean, even if I had hundreds of millions like this sadistic old crone, I wouldn’t want to invest hundreds of

These V90s are truly gorgeous, though I do prefer the elegance of the Inspiration version.

If all these stupid monuments to treasonous scum can’t be (re)moved, could municipalities just build a big box around them? A solid box of steel, or better yet make the box a giant prison cell and call it a modern art installation depicting where these traitors should’ve lived out their days after they surrendered.

“Congratulations,” he continued. “The healthy people are paying for the sick people.”

“Tricia McCorkle, a spokeswoman for TD Garden, pointed out that the Garden and its related organizations already raise more than $2 million a year for community programs through other charitable efforts...”

Streaming, while a newer profession, has become a sustainable career for lots of people. There’s no signs that it’s going to go away in the immediate future. What exactly makes it less stable than any other kind of work?

They willingly put themselves in a situation where their only source of income is begging strangers online for money so that they can keep playing videogames, that’s not a sustainable way of life by any means and the longer they keep deluding themselves into thinking that it is, the worse off they’ll be within the

Of course it would have mattered. This fire started internally, by all indications inside one of the residential units. A proper fire sprinkler system would have contained the fire to the point of origin, thus not allowing it to spread via the exterior cladding.

This building does not appear to have automatic fire sprinklers, which is criminal negligence. It’s obviously not cheap to retrofit a building with such a system, but consider the following passage from this source:

Apologist? You don’t know the meaning of the word, dunce. I don’t defend their actions, merely point out the obvious: combine religious idiocy of any faith with a shitty environment and what do you expect? If you expect anything other than morons who want to blame everyone else for their problems and slay the