
I’m not sure why you think referring to the atrocities of fundamentalist muslims makes hick town christian zealots any less shit-for-brains. Muslims can throw a million gay men off roofs, and it doesn’t change the fact that hick town christian zealots are still shit-for-brains idiots who circumcise babies, kill gays,

Such a sad, unfortunate fate for 49 wonderful people and the loved ones they left behind. Doubly unfortunate that bigots decided yesterday (or really, any day) would be a good time to remind the world that they are still pieces of shit who hate them for existing.

Oh look, it’s another fake-as-hell phony tough guy spouting his mouth off because he thinks a gun compensates for the flaccid appendages both between his legs and passing for his arms. This dude couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

I’m not sure how the Cavs can win, but I’ll keep watching, both to see the ridiculous, jaw-dropping basketball the Warriors are playing, and the ridiculous, jaw-dropping performance that LeBron is putting up even knowing (probably) that his chances of another upset are slim to none.

As little as I like Cheeto Jesus, I’m perfectly fine with his apt description of the Manchester bombers. It may not be eloquent, but it is succinctly appropriate.

I just don’t get these Trumpsuckers. Do they think Cheetolini’s victory is the end of America’s story? Does his rabid base not realize the reality of demographic change means they (largely white Christian men of limited means and even more-limited educations) will be the minority in the not-too-distant future? Not

Now playing

Manu is awesome, and so are Old Man Dunks. Previous examples include 38-year-old Ray Allen throwing one down over Danny Green back in the 2014 Finals:

Agreed 100%. I enjoy the NBA, I watch the NBA, I’m interested to hear about what’s happening in the NBA... But I don’t need to have the updates in real time. Moreover, I’ll actively avoid columnists who seem like dicks, especially when they look like pudgy virgins who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a basketball

It’s not just Eastern Europeans who excel at this game. Southeast Asian women have a knack for convincing old white dudes to shell out serious cash, bring them to America, marry them on short acquaintance, and maybe hang around long enough to have a few kids.

Ugh, it’s such a chore to have a meaningful conversation with you, in part because you seem unable to grasp that a word’s meaning has value. First it was “anecdote”, and now you mischaracterize my thoughts as “obsession” over Urban Meyer. Apparently being open to the mere possibility that suffering some consequences

I can dare all I want, because it’s a conversation worth having.

Maybe your definition of anecdote is different from Merriam-Websters, but that’s literally what your reply—“I know plenty of people...”—was: a narrative from your own experience.  But let’s not get hung up on that.

I don’t think FGJustice justified homicides at all. Moreover, I’m not convinced everyone in Aaron’s orbit was altruistically out to help him. Urban Meyer was more interested in winning championships and raking in dough than disciplining players, in line with both UF’s adminstration and the NCAA. If any of those

I don’t think we’re too far off in agreement. For starters (and I said this elsewhere): I’m not excusing AH’s actions. He’s the murderer, not society, and was justly facing punishment for crimes against his victims.

You mention personal anecdotes as if they are proof of anything, and top it off with a meaningless guarantee.

So maybe, MAYBE the failure is in the fact that we take young boys and teach them to be endlessly aggressive, and beat a level of violent competition and unwillingness to compromise or lose into them.

Yes, society failed him. He clearly needed help, and likely never got it. Why? Because he was just a football player. I’m betting he was basically treated like a tool throughout his life. He was just something for coaches to use to score wins. It’s a similar vein to soldiers suffering from PTSD - tossed and forgotten

Responding because you were actually civil, which is a higher bar than most here seem able to clear: I’m not excusing his actions. And while his father’s death surely affected him deeply, it is certainly not why he killed 3 people.

I didn’t say that, nor did FGJustice. But god forbid you take the time to comprehend the things we did say.

Holy shit, commenters are putting you on blast and I think it’s completely undeserved.