I honestly think that the PT Cruiser is starting to fall into the same "so terrible it's kind of alright" category as the Aztek. Nobody likes them at all, and that makes them kind of special, in a way.
I honestly think that the PT Cruiser is starting to fall into the same "so terrible it's kind of alright" category as the Aztek. Nobody likes them at all, and that makes them kind of special, in a way.
We'll see if you say that when we get the GTD.
It's not as bad as a lot that I've seen, but I have to nominate it because it's local to me. You'll see it here on the left.
I suppose the only way to know this video is for 2003 is by clicking through to youtube, which I did not.
Well, the only gift I've gotten, and therefore the best, was a bottle of Burt's Bees shave cream.
Someone clearly isn't using the proper camera equipment. I'm sure a GoPro mount would be a lot less...bad.
Why wait for that when you can buy the Golf GTD next year?
An unmolested FD RX-7 in pristine condition can go for $40k easily. They are extremely uncommon vehicles, and as such, demand a high market value.
Alphanumerics are dumb. What happened to naming cars? And then putting an extra letter after, for differences? (Sentra SE-R, Civic Si, etc) It just works!
When it comes to luxury names, Japan does a damn fine job. Toyota Century. Nissan President. Mitsubishi Dignity.
I have always disliked the rear of that car. The taillights are too big. They take up too much space.
On any given day I see at least 12 people turning left onto side streets...from the outside lane. Across traffic. Around here, nobody knows how to keep the flow of traffic steady. I can time damn near any light to perfection without coming to a complete stop...but there's always someone riding my ass in the process.
I see someone's mistakenly let you out of Gawker.
My biggest beef with Lincoln names is that you actually say the letters M and K when you are reading the name, rather than the correct pronunciation of "MK" which is "mark."
Damn! You beat me to it! And apparently two others did as well!
I just hate those stupid lines on the doors.
Can I just say...
You didn't have to click on the article, you know. Your opinion doesn't matter.
I see what you did there.