
I adore you for “oubliette”

terrific! Let’s blame the women - one of whom has NO ability to do anything, seeing as she’s just a friend and boss of the man’s wife - and blame THEM for a man being despicable.

there’s a whole bunch of military men (and wives, I suppose, but the Bastard was talking to military dads at Boy Scouts) that supported Trump. I DO NOT trust them to put Country before the Orange Cheeto


plastic surgery is a wonderful thing?

do you TRY to be such an asshole, or does it come naturally?

well played!

oh! My GOODNESS, I’ve NEVER heard that before!

so.... apparently you take issue with the skill, athleticism, dedication, training and discipline that women dancers have, because their costumes (sometimes) have short skirts (the better to appreciate their line and their exquisite movement) and their legs go up higher than you approve.

whatever respect I had for McCain (and there wasn’t a lot to begin with) disappeared when he stood there and took Trump’s insult. Trump, the coward with deferments for “heel spurs”, shitting on McCain’s service? On what he did, what he suffered? And McCain didn’t even say ‘boo’. Yeah, no maverick there - party before

would they let the Democrats get away with that lame-sauce excuse?

would they let the Democrats get away with that lame-sauce excuse?

YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop being the ‘nice ones’ and run with this!

but they’ve been in control of the House and Senate for the past how many years?

what about all the robotics doing factory work? building cars and such? this is not sci fi, this is reality

oh, well THAT makes all the difference! let’s not talk about the child being assaulted or the parents that lie awake at night worrying about their children and whether or not that child will make it home again tonight, because they are black! let’s worry that it’s Baltimore COUNTY not Baltimore CITY. Priorities, man.

I saw Tom Skerritt live, in Pacific Northwest Ballet’s Don Quixote. Yes, I was a puddle of fangirlishness. (He’s *80*. and did Don Q 4 shows a week - and Don Q is rarely off stage, even if he’s not the main character. <- It’s ballet, what can I say?)

she’s gorgeous and amazingly fit - and they put in a bandage-style leo that makes her boobs drop? *really*? isn’t the point supposed to be how gorgeous they are?

oh, this is MUCH better. love the color on her and the cut is much more flattering. (I detest the 80s throwback high cut on leos and swimsuits)

apparently a bus was delayed because breakfast ran long and they didn’t get there in time.