
THIS is the important part. Banning abortion will not magically make women happy mothers. A woman that doesn’t want to be pregnant, can’t afford to be pregnant (or any other reason) will still find an alternative, and highly dangerous method to end her pregnancy. Women will DIE if abortion is banned - not stop having

he just needs to prove he’s right. He’s been all over this article, spewing his male knowlege

sorry, I didn’t realize this was a game of “top my woe”

oh, poor BABY! you’re expected to have a personality! how TERRIBLE to be you.

oh, poor BABY! you’re expected to have a personality! how TERRIBLE to be you.

Mike Pence: couldn’t happen to a nicer guy

didn’t at least one person die, riding in an ambulance and stuck in traffic? they all deserve to be thrown into an obliette

how...... HOW do the repubs get away with questioning the patriotism of a disabled veteran? HOW do they get away with questioning one of their beloved “wounded warriors”? I DON”T GET THIS

*sigh* I will try again: you said it was a joke. he says it was a joke. *I* am saying that to many women - and women are half the population of the United States - that “joking” about sexual assault is Not. A. Joke.

please, keep telling women - many of whom have been sexually assaulted in one form or another - that this is “just a joke”.

*were* friends with the Trumps for years.

and “I know more than most generals because I went to a military high school”. TOTALLY respecting the military!

but I”m very very relieved to know that he is anti-Trump.

Jezebel! This is a test post, to see if I’ve managed to come out of the greys, after some 10 years of posting here. I read Jez during the day on my phone at work, so I haven’t been posting here recently.

most conferences ask for feedback after the event. and, yes, feedback is MOST warrented. This is ridiculous!

I had my first facial last week. I AM SOLD. OMG such decadent luxury. I can’t wait for my next one (which is going to be a couple of months due to money)

how old is your husband? that may be affecting things too. I agree with seeing a doctor; if there’s something going on it can be addressed. if it’s just stress, well, then he knows what he needs to do too.

I screened one of my closest cousins off my facebook because she posted at least 3x daily about her stupid pink drink.

they do when you are (like me) the parent of adult children and miss having your babies. however, THAT doesn’t make the day-to-day stress being with very young, needy children any less stressful. hang in there!

considering how little research they put into fact checking the book, I wouldn’t hold my breath that they fact checked whether it was safe to print this book either