
I rewatched a Morse episode recently and still loved every moment of it. Definately fits in the “man’s name” catagory

good riddance to bad rubbish.

I can’t imagine why his (ex?) wife is hiding from such a “nice” guy....

Why is ANYONE (except my republican BIL who detests Trump) interested in Bloomberg? I see his commercials and he literally sucks any and all charisma out of the TV and the room.

excuse me - *Washington* vs *District of Columbia*

I read something that really made sense to me - and I wish I could remember where, so I could give proper credit.

Courtney Milan pointed out that a book written in 1994 was full of racist tropes. If you think that describing a character’s ‘slanty eyes’ and ‘yellow skin’ isn’t racist, well, that’s you, but a lot of people, including me, an older white woman, find that language problematic. Courtney Milan expressed her opinion and

Interestingly, I read an article today about the Sussexes plans for Canada - they can’t get Canadian citizenship or live there full time if he retains his title. And I haven’t seen a blip about them losing their HRH status. They can live there up to 6 mths a year.

I have a real eucalyptus tree. It cost me $15 at the farmer’s market, it’s now 3 stories tall. I didn’t kill it - I have a black thumb. Will happily send some to fellow jezzies to keep these two creepy “christians” from ripping you off

so, what do you suggest? lock him up for 2 years and then pat him on the head and let him go? He killed a girl in cold blood.

I think it’s an either/or. either that sharpie-signed pardon or a tweet that says “roger stone? barely know the man”

my husband is having a hip replacement next Friday. we hope to get some of the lights out (but not lit up) this weekend because otherwise, it’ll all be on me. (we have one of “those” houses - about 6,000 lights)

seriously, New Yorkers seem to hate him and no one else knows who he is. he’s dead in the water, rich or not.

a WSU leisure suit? classic Minshew

go Cougs! WSU students and grads are all about Minshew’s mustache.

babysit? that’s what undocumented nannies are for....

well, you can see her eyes (for now, give it a few years and a little more plastic surgery).

Govenor of the Bahamas. Its what they did with David and Wallis to get them out of the way (and hidden, as D&E were Nazi sympathizers and possible treason - there was talk he was or would be approached to become King again instead of Bertie if German had succeed in taking Britain). 

yup, did that. also, the next day for a domestic flight, we had to walk past *3* low volume TSA gates only to get the one very overcrowded one that took over an hour in line, because....they said so. Hate MIA. will never go there again, if I can avoid it

nice of her to be sure to wear something skin-tight to a religious ceremony AND make sure someone took a shot of her ass. Very religious. :nods: