
that’s exactly where I am. I do think he’s a good actor and very charismatic on screen (I”m well aware I am in the minority here). But I can’t in good conscience say “believe women unless it’s an actor I really like”, so I’m going to sit quietly in a corner.

I love the costumes and the settings of DA. But the plot lines? My god, calling it a ‘soap opera’ is being kind. Who told Julian Fellowes he could write?

He was bluntly honest last weekend at Rose City Comic Con - he and Russell T Davies detest each other. He respects Russell’s genius and still hates his guts. Then, when he left, the BBC put out a bunch of shit about why he left and he was furious. He also didn’t work for 4 yrs after leaving Dr Who.

I was there too! His panel was AMAZING. I have always loved him, but my respect for him, after everything he’s been through, and coming out the other side, absolutely skyrocketed.

anything by Dan Brown, ESPECIALLY the Da Vinci Code (I’ve read better fanfiction!)

you know what? go back to where you came from, since it’s so great and leave American women the fuck alone. it’s obvious from your screed that no self-respecting American woman will have anything to do with you, thank goodnes.

I’m so glad this seems to be the general consensus. Last time this was discussed, there were so many people making excuses for her. She pressured, goaded and encouraged a vulnerable peer into suicide. His family will never recover. Fuck her.

I’ve always wondered what happened to the toddler child of the woman she bullied into suicide.

“amazingly” the webcam from the top of the Washington Monument was “out of order”, so no real time shots from above.....

super high cut leos/swimsuits were fugly the first time around (in the 80s) and they are still fugly. they’re really not flattering on anyone, even photoshopped “gun bunnies”

god, yes. I was as regular as a clock - but a 26 day cycle*. Every 26 days, you could set your watch by me. we used NFP because I was so regular (and, being married, we were ok with having kids), but it took me *2* kids to realize I ovulate on day 9, not day 14. Yes, that early in my cycle. After we figured that out

I’m always amazed (in a nauseated sense) by bible-thumping holier-than-thou evangelicals that are divorced. (note: I’m not saying stay in a bad marriage. I’m saying if you’re going preen about proclaiming your holiness, maybe should be working harder on your marriage)

they’re evangelicals. they probably think booze is Of The Devil

considering Meghan’s still recovering from pregnancy (no, women do not generally snap back into pre-pregnancy shape within a couple weeks), it’s likely she chose something that fits. she also doesn’t have the clothing budget the Duchess of Cambridge has, as the future queen.

the show lives and dies on Harmon. everyone’s job depends on him. you think people are going to speak up? (sorry, I’m agreeing with you, not disagreeing)

Bernie Sanders supported a “pro life” Democratic nominee. There are some of us that believe strongly that reproductive rights are not negociable. Period.

my state (Washington) has already passed a law protecting abortion access. that is a relief, except it doesn’t help poor women in other parts of the country.

so much creativity! /sarcasm

eleanor was also married to Louis of France, went on Crusade (where she apparently behaved scandelously with her uncle), had 2 daughters and THEN got divorced and ran off to marry Henry II, where she had 3 sons (Richard, Geoffrey and John) and I don’t remember off the top of my head how many daughters.

they are letting Alabama hospitals close right and left. the poor women that are now forced to be pregnant (assuming they don’t find a back alley abortion) often have no hospital or birthing center to go to. But HEY! babezzzz, amirite?