
I understand the frustration of working for a Big Corporate Conglomerate where you are expected to have nothing love and devotion and an attitude that this is all you ever wanted to do in your life while the Corporation whittles away at your benefits and goes thru multiple rounds of culling their employees....

because I find poop man extremely distressing....

only a MAN would think this is unusual or hard to understand. As women, we know this isn’t either

McCandless wanted to “live on the edge” and he ended up dying, painfully, excruiatingly slowly. And idiots like these guys think it’s a spendled idea to go off and do the same damn thing, meaning the Rangers (or the Coast Guard, or the State Police or the Search and Rescue crews) have to save their sorry asses.

how about the 10 essentials? any scout (boy or girl) knows the 10 essentials.

living in the Northwest, we deal with these assholes every single summer. The rules don’t apply to them, dontcha know, until they get into trouble and they have to be rescued, courtesy of the State and taxpayers.

hm. let’s see.... hurting the feelings of a gun nut that doesn’t take proper precautions with their deadly weapon..... vs my child’s safety.

why should I care what they think? I care about my kid’s safety, and if they are the kind to leave guns lying around “because my kid knows better” then we won’t get to be better friends.

years and years ago, the Chicago Tribune did a story on every death of every child under 18 yrs old. It was horrifying. The number of step-parents (almost always male) and boyfriends (almost always) that murdered children.... I told the BastardlyOlympian at the time that if he were to drop dead, I wouldn’t date until

I thought she had left the show? Didn’t they give her a big-ass sendoff?

Fired once, quit once.

jesus god. my MIL’s little brother - so the Bastardly’s uncle - died of tetanus in the 1930s. He was 6 yrs old.

check with the facility. I had a licensed day care home and I insisted on all the kids being vaccinated (my daughter was diagnosed with asthma at 19 mths. no way was I risking whooping cough). and, yes, I had medical forms on all the kids.

because they are Just That Cool, apparently, to be hating on something incredibly successful.

I don’t like John McCain - he is responsible for setting Sarah Palin loose on the country - and I disagree strongly with his politics, but I have always respected him for his service, both as a soldier/POW and his years in Congress.

seriously. if these Republican were living 150 years ago, they would have done a hand wave and said “slavery? states’ rights issue. not getting involved” or “capitalism! free economy! how dare you suggest we suppress the Southern economy by freeing their workforce????”

serious question: Brocky and his attorneys are claiming he was blackout drunk. I am not male, but in my limited life experience, a man that is truly THAT drunk is not able to perform, is that correct?

Men are NEVER considered promiscuous. They are “sowing their oats” or “doing what boys do”. Women, however, must be pure as the driven snow or they are promiscuous

jesus h roosevelt christ. I’m going to go cry now. blessings on your friend.

first think, let’s kill all the lawyers