
stupid bunny! marriage is OBVIOUSLY only between a man and a woman!

“was” the style? I saw Marshawn Lynch get on the plane to Carolina for the last Seahawks game with his sweats pulled down *below* his butt so we could all admire his choice in boxers (I guess). Stupidest damn fashion fad ever. And yes, to your point: NO ONE called his attire ‘slutty’ let alone ‘inappropriate’

But, men are much more tolerant of “fixer uppers” than women. If a woman is essentially emotionally damaged, men are more willing to overlook that and have a relationship

Unless she is unborn preborn cells..

I can’t IMAGINE why women haven’t talked to you about this. You’re so open-minded and willing to listen.....

here’s a suggestion: stop doubting women when we talk about our life experience. stop doubting women because “I never heard about it” because doubting Thomases like you are EXACTLY why we don’t discuss it - because then we have to prove, over and over and over and over to YOUR satisfaction, that our life experience is

well ,when you figure out the One True Error-Free system for women to determine what man WILL kill you when you turn him down and what man WON’T, we will happily stop lumping you all into one large pile of “possibility”. Until then, STFU because you have no idea what life is like when you’re never sure which man you

he’s just jealous

that one.... please please tell me that one’s not real. ::head explodes::

but, please, you forgot to lambast women that don’t trust men because #notallmen would do something like this.

bless. I hope you and your friend are both doing well.

he openly admitted under oath that he bought quaaludes in order to get sex. Quaaludes are sedatives, they’re not sexual stimulants. Why would he need to provide quaaludes for consensual sex? oh, that’s right, he wouldn’t. he needed quaaludes to drug his victim of choice.

oh, of COURSE - it’s just a COINCIDENCE that this particular member of Congress was targeted! How SILLY of me.

unlike threats to average women....

I’m so upset about the entire thing. She’s a child. Some asshole thinks it’s perfectly ok to take a picture of someone’s child, out enjoying a baeball game, and posts it with a snide comment about her weight. (which, hello, Downs Syndrome) And then Val thinks it’s perfectly ok to post it on social media, wrapped up in

oh noes! the poor, poor men, having to deal with consequences of harrassing a strange woman on line! how cruel, how terrible!

she’s the troll? for having the guts to respond to random men that feel they have the right to send her unsolicited, unwanted photos of their dicks?

oh noes! she’s a professional model, using her Instagram to promote her career! FORCING you to search for her pictures so you can be oh so very very sexually turned on and MUST send her an unsolicited dick pic in response.

TL;dr: I wanna send my unsolicted dick pics and how dare you women tell me it’s not appreciated.

so were the 80s; my elder son is currently removing mid-80s paper from my bathroom walls, the kitchen ceiling (ceiling!!) and the guest bathroom ceiling (CEILING!!!) (what the HELL were these people thinking????)