
There are certain colors that will NEVER be in my home, on my clothing or my car: green, gold, rust and brown. Yes, I AM a child of the late 60s early 70s. That shit is ugly as fuck

I’m sure you’re right.

“he tells it like it is”

I can’t wrap my mind around this! How does a self-proclaimed “evangelical leader” endorse a three-times-married bully that has not set foot in church except for his five (?) children’s baptisms? A man that doesn’t even know how to correctly discuss books of the New Testament? How are they buying his “I’m so religious”

aren’t you a cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute widdle troll!

the new job may offer “work/life assistance” which may include free counseling. I’ve used mine and his.

oh fuck you. I bet you’re just a PERFECT specimen of manhood, amirite? So you feel free to express your opinion of womens’ bodies, like we should give a shit what you think?

let me cry crystal tears for you! how HARD it is to be a man!

yeah, this?

and a real life war hero credited with helping and saving his men during captivity! compare that record to her boy Track, who courageously drove VIPSs around*

nothing says “I respect the military” like calling a real-life POW survivor a “loser” for being captured and tortured! Go Sarah!

sssshhhhh he’ll want to implant them in his next young trophy wife

if we all go “who???” loudly at our screens, will she go away? in a puff of mahogany-colored smoke?

to a certain portion of america, yes, yes, guns are indeed the answer

you should just assume that you have given up your chance to have children

THANK YOU. that is *exactly* what I was thinking, but I wasn’t able to find the words to express.

sounds like the premise for an awesome comedy - those “wacky Elders”!

I love Wolf Hall, so I’m pleased Mark Rylance was nominated.

I love you for this

death glare. don’t worry about responding, just stare at him.