
I’ve been educating my (very nice) cubicle mate - telling him stories of sexual harrassment I’ve experienced at work and how much I DETEST being called “honey” and “sweetie” over the phone. Never occured to him - because it doesn’t happen to him. He’s a nice kid (he’s the age of my kids, I am an OLD) and I figure I’m

I’ll be really “assertive” here: bullshit. Where are the studies? Where are the stories? Where are the lawsuits? When’s the last time a male CEO was fired for being “too agressive”?

you worked for Chase! We were told we had 10 sick days a year, but if you actually used 4 or more, you got written up

and put it where? when there’s no fridge?

jesus. is that legal? In WA you MUST have 1 10 min break and you MUST have a lunch within 5 hours of work starting. My employer (working in a call center) is busting their ass to be sure they follow the law.

oh good god - that old “women are more emotional” thing? oh COURSE we’re more emotional - don’t you see women doing mass shootings everywhere? don’t you see the epidemic of women beating/raping/killing men across our country?

to each her own? I really like Outlander, Voyager and Fiery Cross. I do think Diana’s writing has suffered with each subsequent book - she (like Rowling) desperately needs an editor but the publisher doesn’t want to piss her off.

I will watch, altho I think <I>Dragonfly</I> is the weakest in the entire series and definately my least-favorite book (too much Real People and Mary-Sue-ish crap)

question to fellow mother Jezzies: how many of you were in labor for 24 hours with your later child? I was 12 hours each w/ first 2 - 4 hours with my youngest. I really REALLY doubt a 4 time mother was in labor for 24 hours

should I know who these two pretentious idiots are?

those silly football players, demanding pads and helmets and investigations into long term effects of concussions! they knew what the job was when they took it....

they are professional dancers, which makes them professional athletes. The fact they don’t bash another dancer’s brain doesn’t lessen their hard work and athleticism. You know most football players can’t make it thru a basic ballet class, right?

so a deposition from Cosby himself, acknowleging he obtained quaaludes (sedatives) for young women to have sex with, isn’t enough for you? What the HELL would ‘satisfy’ your deep need for “proof”?

Well, goodie for you. If, god forbid, you are raped, you will do exactly what you said, right? Regardless of the consequences, being humilated by the police, your friends and family, and threats from his friends and family?

no one over 50 uses the Internet! that’s why I don’t exist....

Because nurses, factory workers, teachers, and retail workers don’t spend all day on their feet.

those are the same women that think Sarah Palin was a huge asset for womenkind.

Dear Nicole: You got a gig? Was it Vivid or

I wish I could star this x1000

agreed. Islands in the Stream is a duet with Kenny Rogers! At the very height of their popularity, so about 1982?