
It was really, really bad.

I KNOW! That’s where I came in - first of all bloated Rich Schoerder and ol timey Gerald Mcraney? And Richie’s character is telling his FIL that he moved to the barn because he keeps knocking his wife (FIL’s daughter) up? oh, yeah man: TOTALLY a conversation that really, really happened.

“they were just whores anyway!”

can you imagine how these pinheads would have reacted if anyone had used this language talking about Bush,Jr.? The speaker would ahve been tarred and feathered, THEN hung, drawn and quartered for ‘disrespecting the President’.

I think Kris’ favorite child is whichever one is “media-hot” at the moment.

so, it’s your opinion. which is just as worthy as someone else’s opinion that there are cultural/societal impacts on people’s fantasies.

how would you know? we all of us, male and female alike, have been steeped in a specific sexual fantasy about what is hot and what is not. How do you determine what is your true sexual desire and what has been ingrained in you since nearly birth?

bad publicity. obviously, that’s the most important issue.

oh, well, then! Let’s give him MORE guns!

thank you! spotlighting the brilliant minds *behind* the cameras is so very important (as well as highlighting the brilliant WOMEN in technical roles), because movies, TV shows, plays and performances don’t just “happen”!

and considering how kinja sucks balls, THAT’S saying something

like the year my mother accidentally turned off the oven and didn’t realize it for about 4 hours? they had to Kentucky Fried Chicken that year. Mom has STILL not lived that down

Sounds like she’s going for the Sarah Palin career track - quit your job, claim it’s for your kids and family, then in 6 months, reemerge into the Public Speaking circuit and a book (ghost-written, natch)

shall I introduce you to .... oh, either of the Simpson sisters? Brittany?, Adam Levine/Maroon 5? Chris Martin/Coldplay? Any of the Jonas brothers?

her upper range was a little breathy last night - but that just makes me love her more. You KNOW she was really singing, because it *wans’t* perfect and wasn’t identical to her CD release

No. Let me put this in itty bitty words since you appear to be too stupid to grok it otherwise:

a 30+ yr old man, in a management position, counting the days till a young employee turns 18 so he can hit on her? Is creepy beyond belief. And the fact that you seem to want to insist that there’s nothing wrong with that says VOLUMES about you.

jesus h roosevelt christ. what *did* happen w/ HR?

“it’s a man’s world and you need to live by those rules. don’t be looking for special treatment. if you can’t stand the heat, them get out of the kitchen”

4 boys? oh, bless. I have two. There’s a reason. Love my boys, love them to death, but god help me no more boys.