Dear Jameis: Sometimes it’s not about you. I know, that’s really hard to understand; you’ve been told how speeeeeeeeeecial you are since you were, what? 12? 8?
Dear Jameis: Sometimes it’s not about you. I know, that’s really hard to understand; you’ve been told how speeeeeeeeeecial you are since you were, what? 12? 8?
considering all the smart, sassy writes have been ejected from Jez and we are now to become Empty Headed Celebrity Center, seems like Spencer Pratt would be the ideal addition!
“I understand/I heard”.... = I have no fucking idea what I’m talking about but I’m going to say it anyway.
she had a profile on Sunday morning yesterday. she’s priming the gun for a comeback.
I have a good man. I’m very blessed. and HE DOES NONE OF THESE THINGS. I *still* carry the emotional load for my family. He “helps”, when/if he notices. Or if I ask -multiple times.
oh, so you make sure the tires have enough air and change the smoke detector batteries. That *totally* makes it equal for every damn thing I do for the family - managing kids schedules, homework, laundry, being the one to push when the house needs to be cleaned (even tho we both do it), figuring out “what’s for…
you clicked to see the pictures? you are a braver woman than I, Gunga Din
Oklahoma City. Tim McVeigh was former military, to boot.
I read “Call of the Wild” for FUN when I was 12 or so
at that point, I prefer “my father’s wife” rather than “step mom”. No, you are not my stepmom when you are barely a year older than me
so, so, SO jealous
this scene sets my TV on fire. Every. Damn. Time.
well, he threatened a MAN this time. To jail with him!
I can get behind color-blind casting (my college production of That Scottish Play had a white MacBeth and a black Lady MacBeth - because she was hands-down the best actor of all us girls), and I can get the thinking behind ‘focusing on King’s message about not judging on the color of skin”
I call my MIL “Mom” because she requested it. I would have preferred to call her by her first name, as my husband calls my mom. :shrug: you do what you gotta for those you love
IIRC, she called him her “son”. He’s not, obviously, he has a mom that’s not Gisele, and given that his father walked away from his mother when she was pregnant, it’s a little touchy that Gisele appeared to be claiming the child as hers.
perhaps he should be actually funny, rather than nasty.
this is exactly what I do. It’s “safe”. So, no, I don’t assume that nervous laughter is a true reaction
besides being a sanctimonious, pretentious idiot, you mean?
I was wondering what the rules were for black cheerleaders. Do the coaches expect an 11 yr old girl to have her hair chemically straightened so she looks appropriately white for their team?