
I pushed the “honor” angle with my 2 young men As Eagle Scouts, being an “honorable” man was a big thing for them. I pointed out that receiving nudes would not be acceptable , but to share them??? would be really awful to the young lady involved. To my knowlege, it worked.

he wanted to be immortalized as a “hero cop”

no, he’s an admitted, convicted child sexual rapist. they are supporting an admitted, convicted child sexual rapist and predator.

because nothing says ‘soft science’ more than climbing into a tiny claustrophobic cave and doing an archeological dig! such pussies, these women.

except, of course, that all-male teams are never questioned, never accused of being ‘publicity stunts’. They’re simply the most qualified! /QED

OMG I adore you. Please to be having my Internet babies

we called our party “The End is Near and The Time Is Nigh” and we walked around with Ronald Ray-Guns.

FWIW, I love it when you share traditions. It’s fascinating to this very-white-bread-suburban-white-girl. Thank you.

men also tend to be bigger, stronger and outweigh your average woman. I really really doubt douchebro up there was in fear of his life

well, if the Conservative Christian Sharia movement has its way, we all know us sinful womenz will be carted off to jail for being indiscreet. In the meantime, however, we live in a world where women can wear what they want and it IS legal to make a public scene when someone is being inappropriate.

oh, trust me, this dude considers Catholics to be scum of the earth, not worthy to be mentioned with True Christians

Jesus H Roosevelt Christ.

that’s what I was going to say. you can get a very wide range of “Catholics”, especially in America. I went to a very very liberal Catholic church (before Benedict chased me out) and when we lived in the South, it was so very traditional I hated every moment of it (and eventually refused to go to Mass)


that’s ALWAYS thrown out when abortion is discussed: But! But! your embryo may be the next Albert Einstein! Or Mozart!

and gagging. deep throat to the point OF gagging, all lovingly filmed.

I reject the notion - mostly promoted by Hefner himself - that Playboy did women any favors. As the original author said, and as Tracy notes, Playboy promoted a single vision of feminine beauty and sexiness. I agree that sex shouldn’t be hidden in dark corners, but to claim that Playboy promoted women’s sexuality is

because EVERY young 20-something really really wants that 50 yr peen, amirite? not that he’s got the power in the situation and has the ability to make or break her burgeoning career...

She wants constant attention and learned from her stepdaughters the best way to get the spotlight. She’s in Jez’s Dirt Bag, therefore SUCCESS

side step. definately side step.