well, he IS a white man, after all. Obviously his word is MUCH more valuable and believable than little girls’, white or note
well, he IS a white man, after all. Obviously his word is MUCH more valuable and believable than little girls’, white or note
all of the above.
my Doctor Daughter DVM agrees with you
I don’t know Rosie at all - but what you’d said, I thought was pretty common knowlege. She’s not at all like the nice, peppy woman on her long-ago talk show; when her show finally ended there was a TON of publicity about how difficult she was to work with
I LOVE Eccleston and wondered if that was him in the picture
I also hate Amy Adams’ dress in that picture. 2 shades of red set my teeth on edge.
are they advocating for a gay lifestyle then?
oh poor baby! are the mean kites haunting your dreams? I TOLD you not to go to Long Beach!
I’m curious if they felt that BJs were also relationship-only and didn’t want to recieve
ALL women are natural mothers! ALL women LOVE babies!
Isn’t Amy’s Choice a Doctor Who episode?
possibly? He was certainly devestated when Stu died. (Yay for Beatles nerds!)
wow. that’s REALLY not a good look for him.
what a sweet little ignorant asshole trolll you are! OBVIOUSLY no woman over 24 is ever raped. And no woman under a 10 is ever raped, amirite? cool story bro.
who WOULDN’T want to have death threats, have your name and reputation tarnished and your entire life history examined to “prove” what an unstable, unreliable person you are? Let’s all claim rape! Fun for everyone!
they figure they’re all Han Solo
THAT would have made an interesting book. Factory farm humans and THEN have Edward fall for Bella.
isn’t getting divorced a big no no among polygamists? even if Kody ad his harem aren’t FLDS? how does he manage to let her go and not control her entire life?
stupid question: what’s an irish goodbye?
she also needs to stop letting Kanye dress her. Skin tight is not a flattering look when you’re pregnant, especially if you are feeling fat/bloated or just not comfortable in your own skin. (that’s how I felt - I would stare at my reflection in the mirror and have an out of body experience. because it didn’t feel or…