
“god doesn’t give you more than you can handle”

thank you for so clearly identifying yourself as a GamerGater. Why are you here, exactly?

“a hive of scum and villany”

well, you WERE the one that triumphantly announced that obviously we should all know you (and be in awe of your intellect, or something....) Personally, I don’t recognize your name at all and apparently I’m not the only one....

when those feelings are all wrapped up about how these men “deserve” all the pussy they are entitled to, yes, I will mock them.

I would think her hands would burst into flames if she touched those Papist idols. *Especially* if blessed in Holy Water or blessed by the Pope - who most Evangelicals (in my experience as a Catholic) isn’t really Christian anyway

only in London!

telling women that their own life experiences aren’t true, minimizing Republican attempts to restrict women’s reproductive health services, discounting real and documented discriminations women face in the workplace.... oh, yeah, you’re full of respect and non-condensation, aren’t you sweetums?

someone that can’t spell “beliefs” should be really careful throwing around “ignorant” and “stupid”

I just spoke to John Noble at Dragon*Con a couple of weeks ago. He *definately* is smaller/slimmer in real life.

name calling? Donald Trump’s first and foremost response to anyone (but especially women) that won’t kiss his ass?

actually Frances Bean lived and went to college in my town and still lives (to the best of my knowlege) in the same general area. She is apparently extremely nice, very smart and extremely well-balanced (probably thanks to her aunt, who primarily raised her). She made (in my opinion) a less-than-flattering sartorial

then she can be cast as Zach Efron’s mom!

I tend to believe what women say, rather than make assumptions based on their gender and their lifestyles. But that’s just me.

I loved his post-speech appearance. Where he asked for prayers for himself and invited the non-faithful to send him good thoughts. (Specifically he said “if you do not believe or can not pray”) Very inclusive! Less impressed with the woman in pink, Mrs. Boehner? - she was standing next to John Boehner - who made a

this smells a bit like “Obama supported that brown kid! we need one of our own (preferably a kid of color)!”

I think it’s easy to be conservative whne you’re 13. You haven’t experienced trauma (usually) or life crisis. What do you know about needing safety nets or assistance, beyond your parents? Life teaches us all.

what you say is true, but so is that the majority of men who call women “females” tend to be neckbeard losers. and what may not bother you may bother another woman. Personally I hate it. Men aren’t referred to as “males” the way women are referred to as “females”


I think Robin Wright has accused him of being violent towards her too.