
ok. I love you. Marry me and have lovely little tilda babies?

history geek thanks you.

I live in the coffee-infused Pac NW. I walked into a new coffee shop - I like trying new places! - and requested a raspberry mocha. To be told, with a sneer, that they “only” had vanilla and hazelnut.


the haircolor is pretty but couldn’t someone style her hair for the Emmys? It looks like she got out of the shower and let it airdry

It’s SO MUCH more important to preach abstinence as you cook your 2nd illegitimate child! Priorities, people, priorities!

Those other things you mentioned? The cancer screenings and what not? They suggest taking the money that goes to Planned Parenthood and give it to other similar facilities that do not perform abortions

Given how poorly her other arrangements were - as she says herself - I am still hesitant to accuse him of sexual assault. She was sleeping over. He may well have thought he had paid for the entire night.

I’m really confused on that too. Bank checks - cashiers checks - aren’t easily stopped; and you can’t get money orders (which are issued with no payee) for over $1000 - which means he had bank checks made to whom? - predone and already stopped?

edit? what is this “edit” of which you speak?

thank you. because I couldn’t make a lick of sense on this entire over-long article.

because she TOTALLY knew the driver was going to ask inappropriate questions before she got in the cab.

oh, goodie. are we going to get overrun with all the butt-hurt men insisting it’s NOT rape to have sex with a woman under false pretenses?

one can never have enough pretentious idiots in Black Adder

because nothing says “peace” or “security” to either the US or Israel then letting Iran continue unchecked!

it’s kate winslet!

now I want to know what she did. I am a part time seamstress/costumer - NO ONE gets free sewing from me.

I’m not attracted to cheaters.

as someone that (creaks) lived thru the 70s, no, we didn’t wear those hideous flared pants cut above the ankle. not intentionally anyway (it was a bitch finding pants cut long enough for me back in the day!)

she looks miserable!