yeah, that doesn’t look threatening and rapey at all....
my husband and sons are all trained to lower the seat AND the lid. And my daughter and I close the lid. 1. I have a dog and drinking out of a toilet is disgusting. 2. who wants to see an open toilet? gross!
jesus christ. there are a whole lotta men out there that are potential rapists, including the occasional weekend warrior who drinks a few light beers and rides a Harley. Is that good enough for you?
I’m 55 - I remember the “asking for it” crap, I still occasionally fight it in my mind - but then I correct myself. There’s no excuse for Chrissy to still spew this shit.
I don’t know why having 2 dresses has become a “thing”. I lobrf my wedding dress, I never wanted to take it offf. if it’s too uncomfortable to wea,rpast the ceremony, then find a better dress.
you don’t think the reporter, who heard this entire conversation, was hurt?
it’s creating a hostile work environment.
you speculate on the dick size of men you work with tangentally, in the workplace, where other people can hear you? *really* if you seriously do this, you need to stop. you are *also* creating a hostile work environment for your co workers
that whole “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle” is SUCH a crock of shit
I KNOW! I’m sitting here, jaw dropped, thinking *15* whole minutes a WEEK you get to spend with your mom? I raised 3 kids and some 18 day care children and .... those kids had me, 100%, almost all day - *almost*, because I was/am entitled to a little “me” time. What kind of parent thinks 15 mins/week is sufficient…
you kow, Tom Brady doesn’t deserve his salary either. There’s hundreds, if not thousands of former college and high school athletes that would die and work for $1 a year to have the opportunity to play in the Big Game. Don’t pay the players millions of dollars! They either do it for the love of the game or we’ll find…
“they don’t know what they’re doing”
*sigh* look, I know it’s really fun and cool to shit on Christians. You do you. But Lutherans, Episcopalians, Methodists and even *gasp* Catholic think divorce is ok, in some situation. A situation like this? Hell yes.
“It’s fucked up about Christianity in general and quiverfull doctrine in particular, that they consider getting a legal divorce to be a sin”
one lightbulb moment for the BastardlyOlympian is when I was all stressed over my house not being perfect before people came over and he told me to relax - and I pointed out that no one is ever going to walk into our messy house and say “gee, the Bastardlyolympian really slacked off on house cleaning this week. ‘ It’s…
bless. thank you for everything you do to raise awareness and support for people with disabilities.
I went into depth on Groupthink about this, so here’s the abbreviated version: