
The BastardlyOlympian said the same thing to me a couple of years ago, that abortion would never be banned. I told him he was wrong and, unfortunately, he now agrees with me. How the HELL did we go backwards on womens health and reproductive choices?

I am a cynic. We only have Rosie’s word that Chelsea is dealing with any sort of mental illness. But Rosie’s proclaiming it sure got the desired results, didn’t it? National attention and her daughter located. Who’s to say her daughter didn’t just decide to run away? (Granted, her choice of BF is sadly lacking)

which is still negligence.

when we moved to Tennessee , years ago, it was 106-107 degrees the entire way across the country (hell of a welcome when you already don’t want to make the move). we never left our dog and cat alone in the car. If we wanted something other than fast food - like we stopped at Perkins a couple of times - I went in and

this is true. at least for our insurance. the BastardlyOlympian has to order it on line, it’s prohibitively expensive under our coverage.

.... they had RAT POISON out where their young children could get to it???????

^^ this! and in retrospect? I don’t know that I would have changed my name.

she didn’t *really* mean no.... she meant ‘ask me again’. that’s how it works in the movies!

OMG Aneurin Barnard! sooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot

which pair? I missed that!

I guess I missed the memo wherein all men are entitled to responses from women they message, regardless of her feelings on the matter.....

I’m 50+ and now I want one of those dresses simply because he said I shouldn’t. Fuck him.

because no unarmed man - who would out weigh the average armed woman - could EVER overpower her, take the gun and use it on her amrite?

ref: The South didn’t seceed over slavery! STATES RIGHTS! STATES RIGHTS!*

It may not have been these fans, this night. But he certainly had more than his share of really poorly behaved Sherlock fans when he did Frankenstein. I don’t blame him for being proactive in reminding fans how to behave in live theatre.

oh, there was some horrifically bad behavior going on when BC was on stage in Frankenstein. And let’s not even address the adult women trying to take pictures of Nude! Daniel Ratcliffe in Equus. Fellow fans! STOP EMBARRESSING ME.

as opposed to Donald Trump, who’s just over emotional all the time, amirite?

*sigh* perpetually grey...

we bought each of the Olympian-kidlets a laptop for college, as a graduation gift.

can you share the love for a long-time Jez sister?