
get a 2nd opinion? we had one roof guy tell us our entire chimney needed to be redone and weatherguard said ‘nope, just need to seal it’ (which reminds me I need to do that before winter rains set in)

wishing you improved health and a new house!

That’s beyond rude. First of all, LIttle Brat who apparently has found that she usually gets her way if she pitches a fit (that’s 3 yr old behavior, not 6 yr old); and secondly the busybodies that think you should just give your personal belongings to a child, for no reason other than they do’t want to listen to said

I agree with you, except I think Trump has especial vitrol for uppety women.

I watch :cough: a fair amount of porn - basic hetro porn - and almost all of it has slapping the woman in the face, spitting her mouth and putting hands around her throat while fucking her. None of which I can stand. I want to see a woman ENJOY having several men take care of her, not being abused!

until she accidentally gets pregnant and needs PP

I carry my own airplane blanket. this is why.

Jamie Bamber is even HOTTER in real life. I may or may not have made an ass of myself getting his signature one year at Dragon*Con....

I’m sure his mom is SO proud

apparently, to the one dude-bro running all over this thread, we all just need to eat a few more eggs and everything would be solved!

Bullshit. When the hell did “Ms” become “she is divorced”? Oh, that’s right, it fucking didn’t - because women’s marital status doesn’t matter any more than a man’s.

you are awesome - both for your restraint in not responding to the idiot trolls (I’m assuming all the wah-baby men came over for teh “why do al men want to fuck us” article and stayed for the lulz) and for your explanation to your students.

ok, I’ll bite. since you’ve been running all over this thread telling women that their experiences are OH SO WRONG, please enlighten us poor bitches: why do men seem to take any reaction from a woman, being it as simple as a smile or a casual conversation, as an invitation to fuck?

I’ve told this story before: I’m older (ie, over 50); working at a bank as a teller. I had a VERY persistent customer, an older gentleman (like, my mothers age) who LOVED to flirt with me. Tell me I was enchanting, beautiful, etc etc. It was flattering, but only to a point. He would lean over my workstation, crowding

Melissa McCarthy is SO PRETTY. I hate the way she’s styled in most of her movies.

he’s a working actor. many, many actors aren’t looking for ‘big popular roles’, they just want to work, perferably in many different, interesting roles. I think he’s well on his way to doing just that.

god DAMN he is so pretty

asshole. and if the cougar had hurt him, he would have sued the zoo.

that gif really freaked me out . for one brief, shining moment I thought it was Roger Ebert.

they had a CHOICE! they didn’t have to stay! it’s not as though he is instrumental in getting their careers going.....