aaaaaaeeeeeee - those are freaky/horrifying
aaaaaaeeeeeee - those are freaky/horrifying
which is fine, but then don’t lie thru your veneers and swear a picture is unretouched.
I still mourn Field’s to this day. Macy’s cannot hold a candle. (And don’t get me started on the Christmas commercials Macy’s insists on playing: everyone remembers going to Macy’s growing up or some shit like that. No, Macy’s, a whole bunch of us have no memories of Macy’s until you came in and destroyed our local…
you babysat for my cousins? (very nice family, even i do think it’s weird all their names start the same)
I won’t eat ribs, for the same reason. Yes, I am neurotic
this is a terrible, horrible story all around. she was far, far too young. god bless, Bobbi Kristina.
her enormous false eyelashes are weighing her eyelids down?
but alcohol-laced jello shots for a “high school” graduation is perfectly fine, yo!
I’m so sorry. I have lose 2 kitties in the past two years - one to thyroid, one to kidney. Pets take such a huge chunk of your heart when you lose them.
I will never, ever, get out of the greys but I wanted to share: went fabric shopping today! Plans are in motion for not one but TWO new costumes - one for Dragon*Con and one for Rose City Comic Con. WHEE!
oh, please dear random Internet man: show me where fragile women have taken out their fears and agressions on groups of men.
please do give counseling a try. I will hope things work out the best for you, however that is.
I DON’T KNOW! I have whined, begged, pleaded.... .and here I languish.
congrats on new comtesse baby! I am still here, and glad to see you. I am, obviously, still grey. (sigh)
did they have to grow the wheat?
Dear Rep Dipshit:
wow. aren’t you charming. why don’t you just call her a chink?
bless you for adopting him! he’s so lucky to have you
you are a much better person than me. I’m getting irate.