Ok, I KNOW I’m feeding the fucking troll.
Ok, I KNOW I’m feeding the fucking troll.
you know who else was organized around a “shared moral code”? The Nazis.
I’m sure you’ll find some nice twin-set-wearing-pearl-clutching woman to agree with you.
cos GOD FORBID anyone should go in the water, even if you live right by it!
there’s the typical “reality star” response: “I will sell my soul to reality TV, yes you may record and televise every second of my life..... no, wait, I want privacy”
all I can say is ^^ this
::hugs you::
how do you know if you’re banned? someone said you think you’re posting but it never shows up? I guess I’ll know if you respond.... I can’t figure if it’s because I’m permanently grey or if I’m banned and not showing up at all.....
............... and you know there’s that little “x” in the corner, right? no one’s MAKING you come here and read, let alone post. Seeing as how Jezebel offends you so heartily...
David Windsor (Prince of Wales/King Edward VIII) was a known Nazi sympathizer, anti-Semite, bigoted ass and all -around twit (think Bernie Wooster without any of the redeeming factors). His Government did everything they could do to convince hi to step aside, short of assassinating him. He did his country a tremendous…
despite being grey, I”ve been here since 2008. I missed EVERYTHING and I have no fucking idea what is happening. Bannings? for disagreeing with a post? This is not the Jez I have loved for so many years.
no, no: thoe 1st graders need a teacher with a gun her classroom! Life is precious, nothing BAD would happen with a gun in a 1st grade classrooom!
Daughter, is that you?
THEIR decision to not vaccinate could have killed my daughter when she was little. She was diagnosed with asthma at 18 months. Whooping cough was a real and present danger for her in her early years. THEIR decision to not vaccinate has wide-ranging repercussions, well beyond their immediate family.
thank you.
OMG HE HAD TO GO TO A COMIC CON PANEL AND ACTUALLY TALK TO FANS. You know, the “little people” whose support gets him his overpaid salary for “acting” in a movie. IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD.
is that David Beckham?
oh sorry, does the concern of actual sex workers hurt your boner? or are you just butt hurt that you won’t get to watch half naked women cry on TV while their RL names are plastered all over the screen?
I learned, my first year working for myself in daycare, that the client that asks for a ‘favor’, or an exemption right away? was the customer that would expect, ask and demand the same exception, over and over and over. I’m a nice person - I WANT to be nice. But you ask me to bend the rules for you? HELL NO